I have been using Spam Bayes for years on my older XP lap top with Outlook
2003/2007.  When I got a Lenovo P400 in 2013 now running Win 8.1, the
Outlook 2013 worked with Spam Bayes for a long time, until recently.  I get
the idea a recent UPDATE screwed up the program.  Outlook will not start
normally unless I disable Spam Bayes.  Anyone out there have the same
problem or fixed it?  I have tried the usual ideas like C:\SpamBayes for the
directory, and shutting of the graphics accelerator with no luck.  Does
anyone know a Microsoft KBxxxxxxx file number that could be the trouble?  I
would certainly delete it to make my Spam Bayes work again.




Jerry K. Thorne

RV-9A Builder, N2PZ

 <mailto:je...@n2prise.org> je...@n2prise.org 




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