I'm having a problem with SpamBays not logging at all.

I installed SB for Outlook 2013 on my desktop a few days ago, and it does work. 
It scores properly, and moves spam and unsure messages to the proper folders. 
This is on 64 bit Windows 7, with 32 bit Office, and SB installed into 

What I'm having a problem with is that it's not creating the spambayes[0-4].log 
files. My temp folder has been moved to "C:\Temp\albertj", which makes it 
easier to navigate to than buried in the user profile directory. (Windows apps 
leave a ton of rubbish behind in the temp folder, so much so that I have a 
startup script that cleans most of the junk out, but that doesn't delete log 

What's weird is that it DOES log on my 64 bit Windows 8.1 notebook with 32 bit 
Outlook, and installed into the default "C:\Program Files (x86)\SpamBayes" 
directory. I started with the same install directory on the desktop and moved 
to the "C:\SpamBayes" directory to see if it would log correctly, but that made 
no change. Both the notebook and the desktop are using Avast AV, (which 
excludes the SB directories). There's no error messages of any kind about SB or 
Outlook Add-ins not working.

At one point earlier this year, I had Python 3.7 installed on the desktop, 
which has since been removed, and I'm wondering if there's some left behind 
config file or setting that's causing a problem. I've searched through the 
registry and there's no Python config info I can find there.

One other thing, the desktop has Visual Studio 2017 installed, the notebook 
does not.

I've tried the Verbose setting of "1", and that made no difference.

Does anyone have a clue stick they can tap (or beat!) me with, or any ideas?

Thanks in Advance.

Albert McCann
Politically Correct programming: "The AlGoreRhythm".
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