The last timeout bug (that I know of) was fixed in 3.1.8. I haven't 
received any reports of timeout problems in 4.0 (yet). If you can 
trigger this problem with 4.0, please try to capture a full log and 
let's arrange some way to get it to me (my server won't accept 50 MB 
emails, sorry).

-- Sam Clippinger

Eric Shubert wrote:
> Felix Buenemann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'd like to ask about your opinion on a good value for idle-timeout-secs 
>> – I've started with a value of 60 seconds, which strangely caused 
>> TIMEOUTs during mail delivery of large mails (over 10MB) from clinet 
>> MTAs with SMTP AUTH (specifically the mail path was: Client MS Exchange 
>> (DSL upstream 512 kbps) -> Spamdyke SMTP AUTH -> qmail -> target MTA).
>> I have now raised the idle timeout value to 180 secs, which seems to fix 
>> the problem for now, but I wonder what happens with eg. 50 or 100 MB mails.
>> The strange thing is that the idle and not the connection timeout got 
>> triggered, because supposedly there is never such a long period of no 
>> traffic during sending a large mail.
>> Best Regards,
>>     Felix Buenemann
> What version are you running? There was a bug in most 3.x versions that
> would timeout on large emails when there was no interruption. Check the
> documentation's change log to verify which version it was fixed in. There
> haven't been any reports of this problem with 4.x TTBOMK. Of course, Sam
> would know for sure.
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