Wow... that version is almost 18 months old.  A lot has changed with 
spamdyke since then (especially the DNS resolver code), so I'm not even 
sure where to start trying to troubleshoot the problem.

Can you upgrade to the latest version?  If not, can you at least upgrade 
to the latest 2.x version (2.6.3)?  Everything should be 
backwards-compatible when you upgrade within a major version series 
(e.g. 2.x to 2.y).  The UPGRADING.txt has the details of incompatible 
changes between major versions.

-- Sam Clippinger

Jake Briggs wrote:
> Hi All
> I am getting some weird false positives - the logs say that emails are 
> being denied, for example :
> Oct 20 14:01:46 athena spamdyke[4003]: DENIED_RBL_MATCH from: 
> but these IP addresses are not present in the rbl (!
> Does spamdyke refuse mails if it gets no response from the rbl?
> I am using a fairly old version :
> spamdyke 2.4.0 (C)2007 Sam Clippinger, samc (at) silence (dot) org
> but its been working fine since I installed it.
> Any idea on how I could narrow down the search looking for the root 
> cause here?
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