I have spamdyke in front of Qmail Toaster and this morning all incoming 
emails were being timed out.

I have had to temprarily remove Spamdyke from the server, ugh, already 
getting more spam.

>From the maillog:

Jul 13 06:59:28 mail spamdyke[21362]: TIMEOUT from: (unknown) to: (unknown) 
origin_ip: origin_rdns: prod12.designatedystems.com auth: 
(unknown) reason: TIMEOUT

The above server is whitelisted in my config file.

The reverse dns works fine, after removing spamdyke out of the process all 
email comes in.

spamdyke config-test returns nothing.

OS CentOS 5.2 64bit.

Everything was working fine for 4+ months @ least.

Thanks in advance. 

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