Greg Cirino wrote:
> |
> | Which end is timing out the connection? You can use spamdyke's excellent
> | detailed logging to find out. My guess is that the session times out
> | before spam/virus scanning is complete. If that's the case, either tune
> | up your scanning if possible (put working directory in tmpfs?) or
> | increase your timeout setting to be greater than the longest scan times
> | you're seeing.
> |
> | --
> | -Eric 'shubes'
> as a followup, I looked at the setup, virus scanning is done by simscan
> which I believe is done before the hand off to spamdyke, I may be wrong,

Yes, you are. spamdyke is at the forefront. It's:
spamdyke -> qmail-smtp -> simscan -> spamassassin

> but any bounces due to virus detection never get logged by spamdyke as an
> attempted connection from what I can tell,

All smtp sessions are logged by spamdyke ttbomk. I believe that 
rejections from spamassassin/simscan show as DENIED_OTHER. Technically 
these are rejections, not bounces. Bounces are messages created by a 
mail server after having accepted an email. In the case of spamdyke 
rejections, messages are never accepted so there is never a bounce 
coming from spamdyke. The bounce would come from the sending server back 
to the user.

> and spam filtering is done
> after spamdyke hands off the email to qmail, so I'm not sure the time
> setting of timeout is affecting this.  This issue also happened when the
> timeout setting was set at 10 minutes.

This would seem to indicate that the sending server is timing out, and 
not spamdyke.

You should be aware that the smtp session remains active/open while the 
message is scanned. spamdyke isn't finished with a message until it's 
been processed by simscan and spamassassin. This the period during which 
the sending server *might* be timing out, which would be why the 
spamdyke timeout setting is having no effect.

-Eric 'shubes'

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