That's a very good description Faris. Thank you.

Faris Raouf wrote:
> When you installed spamdyke, you specified the location of the configuration
> file, spamdyke.conf
> And I presume that you have looked at this file, and modified it to your
> needs.
> In this case, your user is being rejected because
> does not resolve to an IP address and you have put the following in
> spamdyke.conf
> reject-unresolvable-rdns
> To whitelist someone who would be blocked by this rule, you could add the
> following line to spamdyke.conf
> rdns-whitelist-file=/path/to/whitelist_rdns
> (where /path/to/ is the real path to the file - usually same place as
> spamdyke.conf)
> And you would create a whitelist_rdns file in the directory described above.
> Now, in this file you can add:
> Which would allow ONLY connections with an RDNS of to
> bypass spamdyke's tests.
> However, if you want to allow all of then you would add this
> instead
> Notice the dot (.) at the start. This is like wildcarding in a way, and say
> anything ending in
> But as Sebastian says, are you sure you want to do this? This looks like it
> is a broadband or dial-up internet access account, and should not be
> attempting to send email to your mailserver.
> If it is one of your users who you allow to relay through your mailserver
> then again something is wrong, because when they authenticate with a
> username and password when sending email, spamdyke should allow them to do
> so without filtering them.
> The alternative method is to enable the submission port (587) and only allow
> relaying of authenticated users on that port, with no spamdyke blocking on
> that port at all.
> I'm sorry if this is not what you are asking and if I've misunderstood your
> question.
> Faris.
>> I want to whitelist but I don't know how. The documentation says where
>> are the files we have to modify, but it doesn't say how do we have to
>> modify these files.
>> I know I have to modify whitelist_rdns , but I don't know what to write
>> in it.
>> Please help...
>> Thank you!
>> Istvan

-Eric 'shubes'

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