Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> Could use a .qmail file for each of those spamtrap addresses which
> passes the message off to a script which plucks out the sender's IP
> address (from the appropriate Received: header) and appends it to your
> ip-blacklist-file.

Because spammers may send mail from legitimate hosts (rather than botnets)
you may need to whitelist some IP ranges so that you don't inadvertently
blacklist Gmail or Hotmail (in which case, things will suddenly get very
quiet in your mailbox).

> I'd recommend AGAINST using the sender email address as it could result
> in a denial of service if someone simply forges a legitimate email
> address as the sender address.

Pretty much any automated blacklisting is fraught with problems, for
exactly this reason.

Rather than auto-blacklisting, you might use the presence of one of your
spamtrap addresses among the recipients of a message as evidence that the
message is spam. Spammers often 'batch' messages, so that their message is
sent to several addresses at the same domain in a single transaction. If
one of the targeted addresses is only known to spammers, you can dump the
whole message.

I suggested this as a feature of Spamdyke a while back and Sam said that
he might consider adding it in future. I don't know if there's any interim
way of implementing this strategy using other tools.


> On 6/22/11 9:33 AM, Eleftherios Chamakiotis wrote:
>> What I want is this: whenever a message is delivered to one of these
>> addresses, the sender should be automatically added to the
>> blacklist_senders file (or something similar to the same effect).
> --
> Dossy Shiobara         |      "He realized the fastest way to change
>     |   is to laugh at your own folly -- then you
>   |   can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)
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