On one hand, I agree with Sam, for the most part, comments are a waste 
of time and effort.  Given a choice between NO comments vs. outdated 
(now inaccurate) comments, I'd always, without hesitation, choose no 

I'd rather the code be written cleaner.  I suspect there are at least 2 
distinct bugs in spamdyke.c:middleman(), but it's so difficult to read, 
I gave up trying to pinpoint them.  They deal with receiving SSL/TLS 
SMTP connections from Tumbleweed MailGate appliances.

Dossy Shiobara         |      "He realized the fastest way to change
do...@panoptic.com     |   is to laugh at your own folly -- then you
http://panoptic.com/   |   can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)
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