Watching the logs on my new mail server, I'm having the pleasure of seeing
spamdyke knocking lots of incoming spam on the head.

In most cases, the incoming messages are getting taken out by RBL_MATCH,
SENDER_NO_MX or RDNS_MISSING rules. A lot of the messages would eventually
fail anyway because they're being sent to non-existent recipients.

My question is, should I bother adding those non-existent recipients to
the recipient blacklist file? Does Spamdyke do less work/take less time to
reject a message if it finds the recipient in a blacklist than if it has
to do an RBL or RDNS check?

I imagine that simple string-matching should be faster and more efficient
than doing a network-check (RBL or RDNS), but it probably depends on the
order in which Spamdyke does the checks, and whether it re-reads the
blacklist file for each message it processes.

Any recommendations?


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