Dear all,


I've been using spamdyke (in conjunction with qmail-scanner/sa/clamav) with
various version of Plesk for years now. Thanks again to Sam for such a
fantastic project.


One of the vital features missing from Plesk is the ability to control who
can use the hosting server's authenticated smtp facilities.


It suddenly occurred to me today that it might be possible to use spamdyke
to provide this very feature. Or at least I thought so at first.


My idea was to completely disable relaying on port 25 and spamdyke to the
/etc/xinetd.d/submission_psa config file (i.e. for the submission port on
587) pointing to a special spamdyke-for-submission.conf with a
sender-whitelist containing a list of only those users (email addresses) who
are allowed to Relay (as long as they also then authenticate, so forged
email addresses would not be a problem).


Where my grand plan falls down is related to how to blacklist everyone else
- I just can't see an easy way to do this. 


One idea I had was to use a dnsbl (I have rbldnsd running locally)
configured to provide a positive response for every query using some kind of
wildcard entry. Because whitelists are looked at before blacklists, this
should work. But that seems like a waste of resources if there's an easier


Another idea I had was to process /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts, add an @
before each entry and copy it to a file specified by sender-blacklist-file.
I think that would work again because whitelists are processed before
blacklists, but it isn't ideal.


Any better suggestions? I've looked at the relaying and smtp-auth
configuration options already in spamdyke but they didn't seem to fit what I
needed, which is specifically to allow qmail/Plesk to worry about
authentication usernames/passwords while only allowing specific users to
actually relay.






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