
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 15:40:10 +0000
From: Shane Bywater <sh...@apexia.ca>
To: "spamdyke-users@spamdyke.org" <spamdyke-users@spamdyke.org>
Subject: [spamdyke-users] can spamdyke reject emails with improper
        from and        to fields?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

        Does anyone know if spamdyke can reject an email if it contains 
improper "from" and "to" fields (for example no from address)?  I get hundreds 
of entries daily in the maillog file as shown below and would rather qmail not 
even try to send a bounce message to such emails.

Jun 24 11:31:15 qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: Handlers Filter before-queue for 
qmail started ...
Jun 24 11:31:15 qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: from= Jun 24 11:31:15 
qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: to=%from_email Jun 24 11:31:15 
qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: Unable to get sender domain by sender mailname Jun 
24 11:31:15 qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: Unable to get sender domain by sender 
mailname Jun 24 11:31:15 qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: Unable to get sender 
domain by sender mailname Jun 24 11:31:15 qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: Unable 
to get sender domain by sender mailname Jun 24 11:31:15 
qmail-queue-handlers[20290]: Incorrect recipient mailname : %from_email Jun 24 
11:31:15 qmail: 1435159875.553019 warning: trouble injecting bounce message, 
will try later

        Note:  I'm using spamdyke 5.0.1 on a Plesk 10.4 CentOS 6 server.  BTW 
thanks to Sam for continuing to develop and improve spamdyke.

Shane Bywater


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 11:24:47 -0500
From: Sam Clippinger <s...@silence.org>
To: spamdyke users <spamdyke-users@spamdyke.org>
Subject: Re: [spamdyke-users] can spamdyke reject emails with improper
        from    and to fields?
Message-ID: <b47b331a-febc-4a20-9b7a-af7c99945...@silence.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

It can do this in a limited fashion right now.  If the improper To field is 
always "To: %from_email" (or something from a known set of bad values), you 
could use the header blacklist filter to block it.  But at present, there's no 
way to block a message with a missing header line.

-- Sam Clippinger

        Is there a way to use spamdyke (header blacklist?) to block emails with 
no domain in the email address (ie. tksofxpwfhc@).  Also, it doesn't seem like 
the header-blacklist file is even being used by Spamdyke as I have setup my 
/var/spamdyke/header-blacklist-file to contain "Subject: hhh" (minus the 
quotes) and when I send myself an email from an external email address with 
such the subject line containing hhh it passes through without Spamdyke 
blocking it.  In my spamdyke.conf file I have 
header-blacklist-file=/var/spamdyke/header-blacklist-file and it has the same 
permissions as the other spamdyke files in such a directory.  I also tried 
entering header-blacklist-entry=Subject: hhh in my spamdyke.conf file but that 
email was allowed through as well. 
       My sending email address is not whitelisted and there is no spamdyke 
messages appearing in the maillog file.  What could I be doing wrong?

Shane Bywater
spamdyke-users mailing list

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