[Forwarding from Annemiek van der Kuil at SURFshare. --Peter Suber.] *Researchers enhance their publications*
*Utrecht, 1 February 2011* - Six new projects will allow researchers from a variety of disciplines to display more than just their scientific or scholarly publication. They will also be able to share datasets, illustrations, audio files, and musical scores with fellow researchers in the context of Enhanced Publications<http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/themas/openonderzoek/verrijktepublicaties/Pages/default.aspx>. The six projects, which commenced on 19 January 2011, make use of a grants round from SURFfoundation. The researchers will submit the results of their projects in May 2011. The experience they gain will provide further examples showing the added value of publishing in the context of Enhanced Publications. Research involves more than just the resulting publication itself, and the Internet offers many ways of presenting the underlying research data, visualisations, data models, images and audio, etc. It is precisely the combination of all these components that constitutes the “enhancement”. More accessible research output presented in combination with these other elements means better understanding, greater quality, and more possibilities for science and scholarship. *Five disciplines** *The six projects will take place within five disciplines: • Economics: Open Data and Publications <http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/projecten/Pages/OpenDataandPublications.aspx>• Linguistics: Lenguas de Bolivia<http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/projecten/Pages/LenguasdeBolivia.aspx>and Enhanced NIAS Publications <http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/projecten/Pages/EnhancedNIASPublications.aspx>• Musicology: The Other Josquin <http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/projecten/Pages/TheOtherJosquin.aspx>• Communication sciences: Enhancing Scholarly Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences <http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/projecten/Pages/EnhancingScholarlyPublishing.aspx>• Geosciences: VPcross<http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/projecten/Pages/VP-Cross.aspx> . *Building on previous experience** *Two previous grants rounds for Enhanced Publications have already generated a great deal of useful material: tools, standards and agreements, recommendations for storage, and expertise and experience among numerous researchers and bodies that support research. All this valuable material can simplify working with Enhanced Publications for parties that have relatively little experience of them (or indeed none at all). The six new projects build on this knowledge and experience. More background information is available in a series of short films<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_KJTsr1fys>about Enhanced Publications. *About SURFshare** *SURFshare’s aim is to open up a wide range of possibilities for finding, creating, distributing, and publishing research results. That is possible because ICT not only speeds up standard communication processes but also changes the nature of the research cycle itself. SURFfoundation’s intention with the SURFshare programme<http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/themas/openonderzoek/Pages/Default.aspx>is to create a common infrastructure that will facilitate access to research information and make it possible for researchers to share scientific and scholarly information. The above news item can be found on the website of SURFfoundation<http://www.surffoundation.nl/en/actueel/Pages/Researchersenhancetheirpublications.aspx>. For more information, please contact John Doove (do...@surf.nl). Kind regards, Annemiek van der Kuil Annemiek van der Kuil | projectmanager SURFshare | ICT & Research | SURFfoundation | Graadt van Roggenweg 340 | P.O.Box 2290 | 3500 GG Utrecht | T + 31 30 234 66 42 | E vanderk...@surf.nl W www.surffoundation.nl/SURFshare