On 3/5/07, David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: "Michael Marineau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 23:13:20 -0800

> This bug was originally reported for a T1000 a while back:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ports.sparc/6361/focus=6413
> On a T2000 I am able to trigger the Oops in 5 to 50 minutes by pushing
> a ton of traffic over lo with netcat:
> nc -l -p 9000 >/dev/null
> nc localhost </dev/zero

I've run the same and similar tests for quite some time and
I can't get a trigger on both my T1000 and T2000.  I let them
keep running for a while just in case.

Your ability to trigger this in 5 minutes or so is too easy, and
therefore I looked again at your original report and I see that you
are using some fedora3 based distribution and the gcc-3.4.x that comes
with it to build your kernel.

I really suspect the compiler or build tools at this point.

I'm not sure where you saw Fedora, this is running Gentoo, but yes the
compiler is 3.4.6. Newer versions haven't been marked stable in Gentoo
on sparc yet for some reason. I'll give gcc 4.1.2 a try and see if I
can still reproduce it.

Michael Marineau
Oregon State University
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