
I have set the OBP to run at 115200, also set agetty on ttyS0 to do the 
same, and also added console=ttyS0,115200 to silo.conf (and also tried 
console=ttyS0,115200n8). But! Linux still gives me 9600 8N1. The ominous 
double screen blanking (why is that done anyway?) already takes place 
with 9600. I smell a bug. What do you think?

Sun (TM) Enterprise 250 (2 X UltraSPARC-II 400MHz), No Keyboard                 
OpenBoot 3.30, 2048 MB memory installed, Serial #15119878.                      
Ethernet address 8:0:20:e6:b6:6, Host ID: 80e6b606.                             

Rebooting with command: boot                                          
Boot device: disk0  File and args: 
SWarning: Power Supply 0 Failure Indication
ILO Version 1.4.13
Allocated 8 Megs of memory at 0x40000000 for kernel
Loaded kernel version 2.6.21
Loading initial ramdisk (4027821 bytes at 0xC00000 phys, 0x40C00000 virt)...
Remapping the kernel... done.
Booting Linux...

<prints nothing because minicom is set to 115200, but receives 9600>

Aurora SPARC Linux release 2.99 (Angel)
Kernel 2.6.21-1.3149.al3.2smp on an sparc64

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