
i moved my data-folder to another drive and changed the settings for
the server root folder in tpp_gui.pl as well as in apache httpd.conf
according to


i can access the files in the new location and perform a database
search with them. however, when i try running a peptide analysis with
them i get several error messages regarding the new location and the
command is not finished. instead pepxmlviewer.cgi runs at 100% cpu
usage and seems not to come to an end.
Is there any other file i need to edit except from tpp_gui.pl and

please also see below the output of the task with the error messages.

Thank you for your help!

best regards,



# Commands for session 0F2NBY3WV on Tue Aug 11 14:41:29 2009
###### BEGIN Command Execution ######
[Tue Aug 11 14:41:30 2009] EXECUTING: run_in G:/Daten/ESI/JZ/J090716/
Z11.D; c:\Inetpub\tpp-bin\xinteract  -NZ11.pep.xml -p0.05 -l7 -Op -X-
m0.2-nK,6-nR,10 -A-lRK-F-r0.2-mR166.11K134.11 G:/Daten/ESI/JZ/J090716/

c:\Inetpub\tpp-bin\xinteract (TPP v4.3 JETSTREAM rev 0, Build
200908071234 (MinGW))

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/InteractParser "Z11.pep.xml" "G:/Daten/
ESI/JZ/J090716/Z11.D/Z11.tandem.pep.xml" -L"7""
warning: xsl file g:/daten/esi/jz/j090716/Z11.D/Z11.pep.xsl must begin
with the WEBSERVER_ROOT path for use with a webserver.
 file 1: G:/Daten/ESI/JZ/J090716/Z11.D/Z11.tandem.pep.xml
 processed altogether 293 results
problem (ph8): g:/Daten/ESI/JZ/J090716/Z11.D/Z11.pep.xml is not
mounted under webserver root: c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/
command completed in 0 sec

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/PeptideProphetParser "Z11.pep.xml"
 (X! Tandem)
init with X! Tandem trypsin
MS Instrument info: Manufacturer: Bruker Daltonics, Model: esquire,
Ionization: ESI, Analyzer: Quadrupole Ion Trap, Detector:

 PeptideProphet  (TPP v4.3 JETSTREAM rev 0, Build 200908071234
(MinGW)) akel...@isb
 read in 0 1+, 190 2+, 102 3+, 0 4+, 0 5+, 0 6+, and 0 7+ spectra.
Initialising statistical models ...
negmean = 0.0533258
negmean = 1
negmean = -0.2
negmean = -0.2
negmean = -0.2
negmean = -0.2
negmean = -0.2
Iterations: .........10.........20.
WARNING: Mixture model quality test failed for charge (2+).
WARNING: Mixture model quality test failed for charge (3+).
model complete after 22 iterations
command completed in 0 sec

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/ProphetModels.pl -i Z11.pep.xml"
Analyzing Z11.pep.xml ...
Parsing search results "G:/Daten/ESI/JZ/J090716/Z11.D/Z11 (X!
  => Total of 0 hits.
command completed in 1 sec

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/XPressPeptideParser "Z11.pep.xml" -m0.2 -
nK,6 -nR,10"
command completed in 1 sec

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/ASAPRatioPeptideParser "Z11.pep.xml" -lRK
-F -r0.2 -mR166.11K134.11"
WARNING: Found more than one variable mod on 'K'. Please make sure to
specify a heavy mass for this residue.
WARNING: Found more than one variable mod on 'R'. Please make sure to
specify a heavy mass for this residue.
command completed in 1 sec

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/DatabaseParser "Z11.pep.xml""
command completed in 0 sec

running: "C:/Inetpub/tpp-bin/RefreshParser "Z11.pep.xml" "G:/Daten/ESI/
  - Searching the tree...
  - Linking duplicate entries...  - Printing results...

  - Building Commentz-Walter keyword tree...command completed in 4

running: "c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/../tpp-bin/PepXMLViewer.cgi -I g:/Daten/


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