
I'm a grad student following the Aebersold protocol on SWATH library 
building: https://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v10/n3/full/nprot.2015.015.html
I'm on Step 37(B)(i) where the Anaconda script spectrast2rsv.py is run to 
extract the 6 most intense fragment ion peaks from each consensus spectrum 
to generate a SWATH library.

When I run the script with the recommended options this happens:

"C:\TPPdata>python C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\Scripts\spectrast2tsv.py -1 
-s b,y -x 1,2 -o 6 -n 6 -p 0.05 -d -e -w swaths.txt -k openswath -a 
_openswath.csv SpecLib_cons.sptxt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\Scripts\spectrast2tsv.py", line 51, in 

    from msproteomicstoolslib.data_structures.aminoacides     import 

ImportError: No module named 

In fact, I have installed msproteomicstools and msproteomicstoolslib (which 
contains data_structures\aminoacides.py, etc.) exists in 
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\Lib\site-packages\. (I am reminded of this fact 
every time I try to install msproteomicstools in a different location.)

What am I missing?


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