Of course! Sorry, Eric!

Petunia runs on http://localhost:10401/tpp/cgi-bin/tpp_gui.pl, I can login 
as guest, but I cannot upload data/ create directories.

docker run -dit *--user=root* -p 10401:10401 -v */tmp/tpp*:/data 
spctools/tpp apache2ctl -DFOREGROUND

In Petunia:

/data/ "Set as Working Directory"

ups_yeast "Create new directory" 

   - ERROR: creating the folder "/data/ups_yeast":Permission denied

If I choose a file and try to upload it:


   - File open error: Permission denied

Theoretically, anyone should be able to read and write this directory:

[root@localhost tpp]# ls -al
total 0
drwxrwxrwx.  2 root root  40 10. Dez 10:53 .
drwxrwxrwt. 28 root root 840 10. Dez 11:04 ..

Even, if I move files manually to this directory, they are not seen by 

I also tried to mount (-v) a user directory, which works with the CLI 
session, but not with Petunia.

Someone (docker, apache, .. ??) seems to have missing privileges, even if I 
started the container as user root.

Best, Robert

Am Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2018 19:12:18 UTC+1 schrieb Eric Deutsch:
> Hi Robert, I think you just need to go here:
> http://myhost:10401/tpp/cgi-bin/tpp_gui.pl
> instead of here:
> http://myhost:10401/
> ? Could that be it?
> Thanks,
> Eric
> *From:* spctools...@googlegroups.com <javascript:> <
> spctools...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> *On Behalf Of *Robert Winkler
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 6, 2018 10:28 PM
> *To:* spctools...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
> *Cc:* spctools...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
> *Subject:* Re: [spctools-discuss] Re: Running TPP/Petunia GUI with Docker
> Hi Eric,
> The port 10401 works fine. However, there is no Petunia showing up. When 
> calling http://localhost:10401/ from the Firefox Browser the "Apache2 
> Ubuntu Default Page" appears. The host system is Fedora 29.
> To me it seems like a problem in the Apache2 configuration.
> This is a summary of what I did (I also tested other ports, mounted 
> directories etc.):
> #docker system prune --all --force 
> #docker run -dit --user=root -p 10401:10401 -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/:/data spctools/tpp apache2ctl 
> f1ad3670f4f7117db97c9cff8061a95df718c748e348660a0ca1c78818a0e848
> # docker ps
> f1ad3670f4f7 spctools/tpp "apache2ctl -DFORE..." 23 minutes ago Up 23 
> minutes>10401/tcp quizzical_bhabha
> # docker images
> docker.io/spctools/tpp latest 73727a87cff0 8 days ago 2.86 GB
> Best, Robert
> On Dec 3 2018, at 6:29 pm, Eric Deutsch <edeu...@systemsbiology.org 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi Robert, when you get an error like this:
> Bind for 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=http%3A%2F%2F0.0.0.0%3A10401&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> failed: port is already allocated
> That means that there is already an Apache service listening on the 10401 
> point on the Docker **host** machine. The first thing to consider is 
> there perhaps already another container running on 10401. Maybe you don’t 
> need to start another container because it’s already running. Based on the 
> your `docker ps` it looks like this is your issue. Maybe you don’t need to 
> launch another TPP? Or maybe you would want to shut down that older 
> container before launching a new one?
> Or it’s possible that you already have TPP installed and running on the 
> machine that is the Docker host. If that’s the case, you’ll want to map to 
> a different port so that you can run both at the same time (which is fine), 
> like this:
> sudo docker pull spctools/tpp
> sudo docker run -dit --user=root -p 10402:10401 -v /tmp/tppdata:/data 
> spctools/tpp apache2ctl -DFOREGROUND
> Here what I’ve done is bind the local port 10402 to the Apache web server 
> running in the container. You would then use a web browser to go to:
> http://myhost:10402/tpp/cgi-bin/tpp_gui.pl
> Regards,
> Eric
> *From:* spctools-discuss@googlegroups.com 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/1?redirect=mailto%3Aspctools-discuss%40googlegroups.com&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> <spctools-discuss@googlegroups.com 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/2?redirect=mailto%3Aspctools-discuss%40googlegroups.com&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>>
> *On Behalf Of *Robert
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 1, 2018 12:22 AM
> *To:* spctools-discuss <spctools-discuss@googlegroups.com 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/3?redirect=mailto%3Aspctools-discuss%40googlegroups.com&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> >
> *Subject:* Re: [spctools-discuss] Re: Running TPP/Petunia GUI with Docker
> Hi, I am getting
> /usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: driver failed 
> programming external connectivity on endpoint adoring_engelbart 
> (33ba8ed4cceaa86424363b5a9f1635ebf4ebb641c47c24c714f2ee1fe8846663): Bind 
> for 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/4?redirect=http%3A%2F%2F0.0.0.0%3A10401&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> failed: port is already allocated.
> opening the http://localhost:10401/
> shows the default Apache2 Ubuntu Page
> docker ps
> CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  
> CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
> 799753202ce1        ebf55696681a        "apache2ctl -DFORE..."   11 hours 
> ago        Up 11 hours>10401/tcp   dazzling_mahavira
> Am Donnerstag, 29. November 2018 01:32:55 UTC+1 schrieb Eric Deutsch:
> Hi Robert, thanks for testing. Based on our testing, we now changed the 
> calling sequence for starting Petunia to this:
> *docker run -dit --user=root -p 10401:10401 -v /tmp/tppdata:/data 
> spctools/tpp apache2ctl -DFOREGROUND*
> as described in the refreshed tutorial:
> http://tools.proteomecenter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Running_the_TPP_docker_image
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/5?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Ftools.proteomecenter.org%2Fwiki%2Findex.php%3Ftitle%3DRunning_the_TPP_docker_image&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> Let us know what you think of that!
> Regarding your precautions question, it seems to depend on how Docker is 
> installed on your system. If you have to run `sudo docker` for each 
> command, then things are written as root. On one of our computers, the IT 
> guys have jailed the user docker runs as as UID 100000, so that’s a little 
> different. So I’m not sure the best advice here. In the tutorial we suggest 
> do a `chmod 777` that seems to make things work out nicely. On Windows, it 
> should all be find if the user has admin privileges. But there still might 
> be problems if the user doesn’t have admin privileges? I’m uncertain. I 
> haven’t tested that yet.
> Regards,
> Eric
> *From:* spctools...@googlegroups.com <spctools...@googlegroups.com> *On 
> Behalf Of *Robert
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2018 3:17 AM
> *To:* spctools-discuss <spctools...@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [spctools-discuss] Re: Running TPP/Petunia GUI with Docker
> Sure, Eric! Could you please give me the recommended command line 
> parameters for running TPP Petunia on both systems (Linux and Windows 10)?
> Any precautions concerning the ownership etc. of the host system?
> Am Donnerstag, 22. November 2018 19:47:25 UTC+1 schrieb Eric Deutsch:
> Hi Robert, great, thanks for the testing! Can you elaborate a little on 
> what the symptoms are here for the file access through the GUI? I think the 
> file access worked fine in my testing. Maybe one potential fix is setting 
> some more permissive privileges in the directory you’re mapping into the 
> --user root container?
> Run TPP image
>    - *Start TPP image:*
> docker run -dit --user=root -p 10401:10401 -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast_centroided/:/data 
> spctools/tpp
>    - *Open GUI* with Firefox at 
>    http://localhost:10401/tpp/cgi-bin/tpp_gui.pl
> GUI and guest:guest login works!
> However: Problems with accessing the directory structure/ uploading files.
> *From:* spctools...@googlegroups.com 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/6?redirect=mailto%3Aspctools...%40googlegroups.com&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> <spctools...@googlegroups.com 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/7?redirect=mailto%3Aspctools...%40googlegroups.com&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>>
> *On Behalf Of *Robert
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 22, 2018 7:11 AM
> *To:* spctools-discuss <spctools...@googlegroups.com 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/8?redirect=mailto%3Aspctools...%40googlegroups.com&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> >
> *Subject:* [spctools-discuss] Re: Running TPP/Petunia GUI with Docker
> The complete Test on Linux 64 bit and Windows 10
> TPP 5.2 Docker CLI on LinuxSystem and software
>    - Docker version 1.13.1, build accfe55-unsupported
>    - Docker image: docker.io/spctools/tpp 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/9?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fdocker.io%2Fspctools%2Ftpp&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
>  ID 
>    ebf55696681a
>    - running on Fedora 29, Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 16 Gb RAM
> Data
>    - Reference *data set* from ProteomeXchange repository, identifier 
>    PXD001819 (Journal of Proteomics 132 (2016) 51–62), Orbitrap Velos data of 
>    human standard proteins (UPS Sigma) spiked into yeast background.
>    - *Conversion of raw data* to .mzML profile, then to .mfg centroid 
>    data using
> docker run -it --privileged=true -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast/mzML_profile/:/data 
> chambm/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine msconvert --mgf 
> /data/*.mzML
>    - *Target data base* ups_human_yeast.fasta, composed of : Uniprot *Homo 
>    sapiens* + Uniprot *Saccharomyces cervisiae* + Sigma UPS proteins 
>    sequences
> Size of .mgf files: ~700 Mb each, 27 files
> FASTA with 33,183 entries
> Start Docker
> # systemctl start docker
> 1. Command Line Interface (CLI)
>    - *Start TPP docker image* with *mounted data directory*:
> docker run -it --privileged=true -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast_centroided/:/data 
> spctools/tpp bash
> Run comet PSM search
>    - go to data directory data/mgf and *create comet parameters file*:
> comet -p
> change name to comet.params and edit
> database_name = ups_human_yeast.fasta
> decoy_search = 1
>    - Start comet search:
> time comet *.mgf
> time real 28m45.053s, ~1min/sample, ~140 Mb/sample
> Run PeptideProphet
>    - in the directory of comet .pep.xml results run: for i in *.pep.xml; 
>    do PeptideProphetParser $i; done
> ~15 s/sample, ~80 Mb/sample
> Run ProteinProphet
>    - in the directory of PeptideProphet .pep.xml results run: for i in 
>    *.pep.xml; do ProteinProphet $i $i.prot.xml NOGROUPS; done
> ~3 s/sample, ~7 Mb/sample
> 2. Petunia GUI session (on Linux 64 bit)System and software
>    - Docker version 1.13.1, build accfe55-unsupported
>    - Docker image: docker.io/spctools/tpp 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/10?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fdocker.io%2Fspctools%2Ftpp&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
>  ID 
>    ebf55696681a
>    - running on Fedora 29, Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 16 Gb RAM
> Run TPP image
>    - *Start TPP image:*
> docker run -dit --user=root -p 10401:10401 -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast_centroided/:/data 
> spctools/tpp
>    - *Open GUI* with Firefox at 
>    http://localhost:10401/tpp/cgi-bin/tpp_gui.pl
> GUI and guest:guest login works!
> However: Problems with accessing the directory structure/ uploading files.
> TPP 5.2 Docker CLI on WindowsSystem and software
>    - Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
>    - Docker image: docker.io/spctools/tpp 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/11?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fdocker.io%2Fspctools%2Ftpp&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
>  ID 
>    ebf55696681a
>    - running on OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise, Processor Intel® 
>    Core™ i5-3470S CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2901 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 
>    8 Gb RAM
> Data
>    - *MS/MS data* from Waters Synapt DDA experiments, exported to .mgf 
>    (see below). 2 samples with ~400 Mb each.
>    - *FASTA database* composed from EST database and Uniref50 plants, 
>    created by
> cat db_1.fasta db_2.fasta > uni50plantsplus.fasta, 3,557,556 entries.
> Data set not public yet (sorry).
> Convert Waters Synapt data to mgf
> ·        load msconvert image with vendor libraries: docker run -it -v 
> C:\TPP\data:/data chambm/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses bash
> ·        dive into data directory and run with LockMass Filter:
> wine msconvert --filt "lockmassRefiner mz=785.8426" --mgf *.raw
> ·        exit image by exit.
> ·        *Start TPP* docker session:
> docker run -it -v C:\TPP\data:/data spctools/tpp bash
> Comet PSM search
>    - use comet.params from above, just change database_name = 
>    uni50plantsplus.fasta
>    - with .mgf files, .fasta sequence database and comet.params in the 
>    same directory, run:
> time comet *.mgf Load spectra killed; change in comet.params: 
> spectrum_batch_size 
> = 1000
> Run PeptideProphet
>    - in the directory of comet .pep.xml results run: for i in *.pep.xml; 
>    do PeptideProphetParser $i; done
> Run ProteinProphet
>    - in the directory of PeptideProphet .pep.xml results run: for i in 
>    *.pep.xml; do ProteinProphet $i $i.prot.xml NOGROUPS; done
> Convert prot.xml to HTML/EXCEL
>    - In the directory of .prot.xml data run:
> for i in *.prot.xml; do /usr/local/tpp/cgi-bin/ProtXMLViewer.pl -file $i 
> -action ExportExcel; done
> Leave TPP docker session by exit and enjoy your results.
> Conclusion
> The TPP docker image ebf55696681a (version 5.2) runs on both, Linux and 
> Windows 10 host, in the CLI mode as expected.
> Am Freitag, 16. November 2018 16:39:06 UTC+1 schrieb Robert:
> TPP 5.2 Docker on Linux  
> # System and software
> - Docker version 1.13.1, build accfe55-unsupported
> - Docker image: docker.io/spctools/tpp 
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/12?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fdocker.io%2Fspctools%2Ftpp&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> ID ebf55696681a
> - running on Fedora 29, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 16 Gb 
> # Data
> - Reference **data set** from ProteomeXchange repository, identifier 
> PXD001819 (Journal of Proteomics 132 (2016) 51–62), Orbitrap Velos data of 
> human standard proteins (UPS Sigma) spiked into yeast background. 
> - **Conversion of raw data** to .mzML profile, then to ``.mfg`` centroid 
> data using 
> ``docker run -it --privileged=true -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast/mzML_profile/:/data 
> chambm/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine msconvert --mgf 
> /data/*.mzML``
> - **Target data base** ``ups_human_yeast.fasta``, composed of : Uniprot 
> _Homo sapiens_ + Uniprot _Saccharomyces cervisiae_ + Sigma UPS proteins 
> sequences 
> Size of .mgf files: ~700 Mb each, 27 files 
> FASTA with 33183 entries
> # Start Docker
> ``# systemctl start docker``
> # 1. Command Line Interface (CLI)
> - **Start TPP docker image** with **mounted data directory**: 
> ``docker run -it --privileged=true -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast_centroided/:/data 
> spctools/tpp bash ``
> ## Run comet PSM search
> - go to data directory data/mgf and **create comet parameters file**: 
> ``comet -p`` 
> change name to comet.params and edit 
> ``database_name = ups_human_yeast.fasta 
> decoy_search = 1``
> - Start comet search: 
> ``time comet *.mgf`` 
> time real    28m45.053s, ~1min/sample, ~140 Mb/sample
> ## Run PeptideProphet
> - in the directory of comet .pep.xml results run:
> ``for i in *.pep.xml; do PeptideProphetParser $i; done`` 
> ~15 s/sample, ~80 Mb/sample
> ## Run ProteinProphet
> - in the directory of PeptideProphet .pep.xml results run:
> ``for i in *.pep.xml; do ProteinProphet $i $i.prot.xml NOGROUPS; done`` 
> ~3 s/sample, ~7 Mb/sample
> ## Convert to HTML/EXCEL
> ``pepxml2html`` not found.  
> Leaving TPP docker session by ``exit``.
> - Conversion with own script <
> https://bitbucket.org/lababi/protyquant/src/06deaeb70a09b8121ce0adc1d7d6da389afe7175/python-scripts/protxml_to_tsv.py?at=master
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/1544163446.local-95947193-1da1-v1.5.3-420ce...@getmailspring.com/13?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Flababi%2Fprotyquant%2Fsrc%2F06deaeb70a09b8121ce0adc1d7d6da389afe7175%2Fpython-scripts%2Fprotxml_to_tsv.py%3Fat%3Dmaster&recipient=c3BjdG9vbHMtZGlzY3Vzc0Bnb29nbGVncm91cHMuY29t>
> >: 
> ``for i in *.prot.xml; do python3 protxml_to_tsv.py $i; done``
> # 2. Petunia GUI session
> - **Start TPP image:** 
> ``docker run -dit --user=root -p 10401:10401 -v 
> /home/robertwinkler/dataspace/nextcloud/DATA/UPS48_yeast_centroided/:/data 
> spctools/tpp`` 
> - **Open GUI** with Firefox at <
> http://localhost:10401/tpp/cgi-bin/tpp_gui.pl> 
> GUI and guest:guest login works! 
> However: Problems with accessing the directory structure/ uploading files.
> Am Montag, 22. Oktober 2018 14:49:30 UTC+2 schrieb Robert:
> Dear TPP friends,
> has anyone tried (or even solved) to run the TPP/Petunia GUI from a Docker 
> container/image?
> Best, Robert
> --
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