I'm unavailable today. In client meetings in Scottsdale. Have a good meeting.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Thomas H. Vidal, Esq.
Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP
5900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2250<x-apple-data-detectors://0/0>
Los Angeles, CA 90036<x-apple-data-detectors://0/0>
Direct Dial: 310.300.2950<tel:310.300.2950> | 

On Dec 11, 2014, at 10:43 AM, J Lovejoy 
<opensou...@jilayne.com<mailto:opensou...@jilayne.com>> wrote:

Please note this is the correct dial-in info:

Call this number: (United States): +1-857-216-2871
 User PIN: 38633
 International: visit the URL at http://uberconference.com/SPDXTeam

Agenda items as follows:
1) Dennis drafted some text for defining "deprecation" to be included at the 
top of the list of deprecated licenses, please review here:
Release 2.0 of the SPDX Specification introduces license expression syntax that 
supports the ability to identify common variations on standard licenses without 
the need to define each potential variation as a distinct license on the SPDX 
License List. This new syntax supports the ability to use a simple “+” operator 
after a license short identifier to indicate “or later version” (e.g. 
GPL-2.0+), and it also supports the ability to declare a standard license 
exception using the “WITH” operator (e.g. GPL-2.0+ WITH 
Autoconf-exception-2.0). SPDX has defined a list of standard License Exceptions 
to use after the “WITH” operator. A number of the standard License Exceptions 
were formerly included in the standard SPDX License List, but they have been 
deprecated as licenses, and correct usage employs the new license expression 
syntax. Note that for compatibility, the URL to each deprecated license still 
exists, but links to those deprecated licenses have been removed from the 
standard License List in order to clarify the currently recommended syntax.
2) license expression syntax FAQs (Mark) - please review: 
http://wiki.spdx.org/view/LicenseExpressionFAQ - for review and feedback
3) examples for license expression syntax on wiki page: 
http://wiki.spdx.org/view/FileNoticeExamples - for review and feedback

Jilayne & Paul
SPDX Legal Team co-lead

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