Hi SPDX-Legal,

In response to our discussions this morning about the Spencer-97 license
under consideration, I have added Spencer-86 and Spencer-99 to the list
with status = "1. Under Review".  We can discuss them at our next group

Dennis Clark
nexB Inc.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Madick, Paul <paul.mad...@hp.com> wrote:

>  Please join us for the SPDX legal call today @ 10am PT (call in
> information below).
> Agenda:
>     1. Feedback regarding SPDX v2.0
>    2. New license/exceptions requests
> *https://docs.google.com/a/nexb.com/spreadsheets/d/11AKxLBoN_VXM32OmDTk2hKeYExKzsnPjAVM7rLstQ8s/edit?pli=1#gid=695212681*
> <https://docs.google.com/a/nexb.com/spreadsheets/d/11AKxLBoN_VXM32OmDTk2hKeYExKzsnPjAVM7rLstQ8s/edit?pli=1#gid=695212681>
>    3. Disjunctive license notices: See examples, such as
>    *http://dev.perl.org/licenses/* <http://dev.perl.org/licenses/>
>  or *https://netbeans.org/about/legal/license.html*
> <https://netbeans.org/about/legal/license.html>
>     1. Conjunctive (composite) licenses on license list.  Should we break
>    apart or leave as is?
>    2. Recommended headers for licenses that don’t have a standard header
>    (Mark Gisi).
>    3. Other?
>  The Legal Team meets *every other Thursday at 18:00 GMT (10:00AM PT,
> 11:00 MT, 12:00 CT, 1:00PM ET)*.
> Meeting minutes are posted here:
> *http://wiki.spdx.org/view/Legal_Team/Minutes*
> <http://wiki.spdx.org/view/Legal_Team/Minutes>
>  Call this number: (United States): +1-857-216-2871
>  User PIN: 38633
>  International: visit the URL at http://uberconference.com/SPDXTeam <<
> File: ATT00001.txt >>
> Best,
> Jilayne & Paul
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> Spdx-legal mailing list
> Spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org
> https://lists.spdx.org/mailman/listinfo/spdx-legal
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