Thanks Jilayne, I've done my best to push a couple of licenses in the last
few days as well.

I believe the lower-case spdx tag is almost entirely my doing, so apologies
to the group for that!

Kris, do you think you can programatically replace all the lower-case spdx
tags with SPDX in the licenses that have already been pushed? And if so,
can that happen now while we're all still working on the master branch or
should we wait until the rest of the licenses get reviewed and pushed?


Brad Edmondson, *Esq.*
512-673-8782 |

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 6:01 PM, J Lovejoy <> wrote:

> putting my money (or in this case, time) where my mouth is: just reviewed
> 3 licenses (that needed list tag fixes and were long), I am also fixing the
> lower case spdx tag when I come across it.
> 116 showing, of which 30 are labeled approved = 86 to go…
> :)
> J.
> On Sep 15, 2016, at 3:15 PM, J Lovejoy <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have posted the minutes from today’s call, which are a bit hurly-burly
> in showing how the discussion went (as much as I could capture)
> The outcome of this discussion in manifested in the updated action plan
> here:
> For those on the call, please review and amend as you see fit.
> Finally - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, let’s all try to pick up some momentum on
> the review of the XML files. I know we are all busy, but if we each do a
> little bit, we’ll have that last bit finished in no time!
> Thanks,
> Jilayne
> SPDX Legal Team co-lead
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