Hi Mark, Brad, and SPDX legal team,

I don't think we every discussed the encoding standards for the XML files -
we have standardized on UTF-8 for the license text in the current
git.spdx.org licenses repo and the SPDX documents themselves.  I would
propose we standardize on UTF-8 for the XML as well to be consistent.

In terms of fixing the typo's, I'll coordinate with Jilayne on fixing (both
Jilayne and I have commit access to the git.spdx.org licenses repo).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: spdx-legal-boun...@lists.spdx.org [mailto:spdx-legal-
> boun...@lists.spdx.org] On Behalf Of Mark D. Baushke
> Sent: Friday, October 7, 2016 9:33 AM
> To: Brad Edmondson
> Cc: SPDX Legal
> Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fix typo where the name SUN was split across two
> lines.
> Hi Brad,
> As no documentation (other than searching the mailing list archive) on
> the spdx.org site seems to point to github right now, I think it would
> be best if someone could fix git.spdx.org sooner than later.
> I would very much like to see both typos you mention fixed.
> Regarding https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML
> Are we to assume that all of these are using an encodeing="ISO8859-1"
> I am uncertain if there is any instanes of Unicode 'COPYRIGHT SIGN'
> (U+00A9) being encoded as either hex (0xc2, 0xa9) or just hex (0xa9) as
> I have found in some source files. (I already expect to see it as (c),
> (C), and © in various files...)
>       Thanks,
>       -- Mark
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