Richard Fontana wrote:
>    It appears to be for the most part a translation of GPLv3 into Spanish.
Malcolm Bain confirmed:
>>    As Richard says, this is 90% or more a direct translation of GPLv3. 

Is the translation authorized?  Is it in compliance with the FSF's published
meta-license of the GPL?

While, as my personal position, I have been on record for many years saying
that I believe license texts themselves should be licensed as CC-0, the FSF
doesn't agree.  FSF's license texts are themselves governed by copyright and
under a no-modifications-allowed license, which means translations are only
permitted with permission from the FSF.

I don't think SPDX license list should include any licenses that are
themselves known to be infringing copyright, so it's best to check with the
FSF and verify they authorized the translation if you do indeed believe that
this is (in whole or in part) a translation of the GPL.

[ BTW, sorry for joining this thread late; I usually lurk and don't actively
  follow this list but occasionally check in with it.  I see that it looks
  like this issue was discussed at the the Legal Team meeting in , but that
  references a spreadsheet that requires proprietary software to view...
  perhaps this issue is discussed in that spreadsheet already and someone
  willing to install the relevant proprietary software can quote here from it? ]

   -- bkuhn
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