On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 03:26:47PM -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:
> Aww man, you've got to be kidding? You got rid of the "+" signifier
> and now we have to write out words?!
> I really don't like this change. It makes things more verbose for no
> benefit.

This issue has seen a a lot of discussion over the past year (going
back at least as far as May [1]).  I'm also not wild about the change
(although there are *some* benefits), but discussing it should
probably be an issue for the spdx-legal@ list only (no need to drag in
spdx@ or spdx-biz@, and the spdx-tech@ folks are probably all
listening on spdx-legal@ anyway).  I propose we continue this
discussion on spdx-legal@ only, and have only included the other
spdx-*@ in my message in case folks there are wondering where the
conversation went ;).


[1]: https://lists.spdx.org/pipermail/spdx-legal/2017-May/001975.html
     Subject: various threads on "only" suffix (for GPL)
     Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 11:01:44 -0600                                      
     Message-ID: <ed57b88b-2056-44f8-b632-037e91a13...@jilayne.com>

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