Ha, you had gotten ahead of me, I didn’t realize you had already started the 
process after our conversations.


We prefer the long name be “MIT No Attribution”.


We (Amazon and AWS) very much prefer that the long and short names *NOT* 
contain “AWS” or “Amazon”.  This license is not specific to us, not specific to 
our software or services, and we would very much like other people to use it as 




Mark Atwood < <mailto:atwo...@amazon.com> atwo...@amazon.com>

Principal, Open Source





From: Dennis Clark [mailto:dmcl...@nexb.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:58 AM
To: Atwood, Mark <atwo...@amazon.com>
Cc: spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org
Subject: Re: New License/Exception Request: MIT No Attribution


Hi Mark, 

There is currently a request for this new license at  

I don't think we have a target date for completion of the request just yet. 



Dennis Clark

nexB Inc.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Atwood, Mark via Spdx-legal 
<spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org <mailto:spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org> > wrote:


* Provide a proposed Full Name for the license or exception.

MIT No Attribution

* Provide a proposed Short Identifier.


* Provide a functioning url reference to the license or exception text, either
from the author or a community recognized source.


* Create and attach a text file with the license or exception text from the
url provided.

See attached file "MIT-0".

* Indicate whether the license is OSI-approved (see:
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical) or whether it has been
submitted for approval to the OSI and is currently under review.

Not currently OSI approved.  Not submitted for OSI approval. Not currently
under review by OSI.  We may submit this license to OSI for review at a later

* Provide a short explanation regarding the need for this license or exception
to be included on the SPDX License List, including identifying at least one
program that uses this license.

This license has proven useful for code that is intended for developers to use
as reference, teaching samples, examples, or templates that other developers
may modify for their own purposes.
In many of these cases, the initial developer may not want to impose even the
cost of attribution, or the use cases may not be conducive to attribution.
The CC0 and various "do what you want" licenses and various public domain
dedications may be less attractive to the initial developer for various
reasons (i.e., a license is preferable to a public domain dedication). The MIT
license with all the attribution requirement language removed fills this need.

* Identify at least one program that uses this license.


Thank you!


Mark Atwood <atwo...@amazon.com <mailto:atwo...@amazon.com> >
Principal, Open Source
+1-206-604-2198 <tel:%2B1-206-604-2198> 

Spdx-legal mailing list
Spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org <mailto:Spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org> 


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