Hi Folks,

A question for SPDX-Tech folks concerning file equivalences.

If I have a file with a RCS Keywords such as is available in RCS, CVS,
SVN, git (svn:keywords) or changeset ID (Mercurial), is it desirable to
be able to define a different FileChecksum attribute that explicitly
canonicalizes these values so that equivalent implementations will show
as being the same, even if they had been checked into another SCM system
and had the hash overwritten locally?

So, instead of the hash processing a file with this text

  $Id: foo.c 123456 2015-01-31 12:34:56 mdb $

as is found in a file, it would instead process the above text as if it
were written $Id$

This would allow two files that are identical other than RCS Keyword
vaues to have the same 'hash' for an SPDX report.

So if the only diference between two files was

<  * $Id: foo.c 123456 2015-01-31 12:34:56 mdb $
>  * $Id: foo.c 1.22 2010-02-20 11:56:00 jon $

the 'RCSkeywordlessFileChecksum: SHA1: <hashvalue>'
would be identical for the two files (or whatever attribute id you want
to use).

(Note: Where I see this differnce most often is in different branches of
the same software.)

        -- Mark
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