
I agree that:

   - Collection is a grouping of Elements
   - Package is a grouping of artifacts
   - Contains describes one of two physical relationships between artifacts
   (the other is "references")

Elements are metadata about artifacts.  Artifacts are data, and data can
contain or reference other data.  (A paper can have references, an html
file can have links.)

The question raised today is: Is a Collection a Set or a Bag (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset)?  In other words, does a Collection
of Elements count the number of copies of a file that exists in an
artifact, or just the fact that that file exists?  The members of a
grouping can be ordered or unordered, and unique or non-unique.  I'm
assuming a Collection is unordered, but unordered Collection members are
either unique (Set) or non-unique (Bag).  I'm also assuming that Collection
of Elements is unique - the Collection is a Set.  Is that correct?

Then you get the benefits of grouping of elements (being able to refer to a
> set of elements so you can re-use them) but you avoid the multiple methods
> of describing artifacts contained within another artifact.

That is one use case.  Another use case is an anonymous grouping of
elements that can't be referred to or re-used.  That is the "ferry" example
from physical artifacts - the cars on a ferry are an ephemeral grouping,
once they leave the ferry they are no longer a grouping that can be
referred to.  That is also the non-Collection example - a Collection of
Elements (not artifacts) can be referred to, but a non-Collection of
Elements is an anonymous ephemeral grouping of Elements that exists only in
the serialized data containing that grouping.

There are two reasons for non-Collection groupings:
1) Applications that need N random Elements to fully perform their function
don't need an artificial N+1th element - the grouping is meaningless and
doesn't need to be referred to or re-used, it's used only to import N
Elements into the Application.
2) Godel's incompleteness theorem (
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/goedel-incompleteness/) talks about
formal systems and proofs within them, but an analogy would treat the
Universe of Elements as a system, in which case that Universe cannot be
described as an Element, because as soon as you did so, the Universe would
now have N+1 Elements, a Collection of N+1 Elements would become a Universe
of N+2, and so on.  The use case is again to serialize N Elements and wind
up with the same N Elements after deserialization.

Persistent groupings (Collections) are absolutely a requirement.  Ephemeral
groupings (non-Collections / Bundles / Sets) are also a requirement.  Both
are supported in the information model, and as I noted, a Bundle / Set is
not a "non-contextual Collection" because it is not a Collection at all.
The N+1th Element does not exist in a Bundle / Set.


P.S.: I agree with you and Sean that composition (
https://www.uml-diagrams.org/composition.html) is the wrong relationship
between a logical Collection and its members, because the members don't
existentially depend on the Collection.  Normal association (filled arrow)
is the appropriate relationship in the logical model.  This reinforces that
while an Artifact (data) can contain other Artifacts (data), a Collection
Element describing a grouping of Artifacts does not "contain" other
Elements.  Destruction of the Collection does not destroy the Elements it

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 11:56 AM William Bartholomew (CELA) via
 <willbar=microsoft....@lists.spdx.org> wrote:

The “ah ha” moment for me out of the last meeting was that
> ContextualCollection and Package were trying to do double duty,
> representing both a grouping of elements (metadata about artifacts) and
> describing the artifacts contained within another artifact. This also
> overlapped with the purpose of the CONTAINS relationship which is used to
> describe the artifacts contained within another artifact.
> If we split these purposes and say that:
>    1. ContextualCollection is a grouping of elements
>    2. Package is a grouping of artifacts
>    3. CONTAINS relationship is the only method to describe the artifacts
>    contained within another artifact
> Then you get the benefits of grouping of elements (being able to refer to
> a set of elements so you can re-use them) but you avoid the multiple
> methods of describing artifacts contained within another artifact.
> A couple of examples:
>    - These are logically equivalent:
>    - PackageA (artifact) CONTAINS (relationship) FileA (artifact) and
>       FileB (artifact)
>       - PackageA (artifact) CONTAINS (relationship) PackageAContents
>       (contextualcollection) which includes FileA (artifact) and FileB 
> (artifact)
>    - So are these:
>    - PackageA (artifact) DEPENDS_ON (relationship) PackageB (artifact)
>       and PackageC (artifact)
>       - PackageA (artifact) DEPENDS_ON (relationship)
>       PackageADependencies (contextualcollection) which includes PackageB
>       (artifact) and PackageC (artifact)
> Another way of thinking about it is that ContextualCollection has meaning
> inside the SPDX realm whereas Relationships have meaning in the “real
> world”.
> Regards,
> William Bartholomew (he/him) – Let’s chat
> <https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Foutlook.office.com%2Ffindtime%2Fvote%3Fbook%3Dwillbar%40microsoft.com%26anonymous%26ep%3Dplink&data=04%7C01%7Cwillbar%40microsoft.com%7C23d1d72f60424f2b8bed08d9aead90bf%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637732882747863213%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=UHEJlkKIoz89BUkVq6fBVDIO48IFVgeWcljfL2yZUbs%3D&reserved=0>
> Principal Security Strategist
> Cybersecurity Policy – Digital Diplomacy

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