On Sep 25, 2006, at 2:20, Dick Hardt wrote:

On 21-Sep-06, at 11:15 PM, Johannes Ernst wrote:

Just one specific question:

On Sep 21, 2006, at 17:22, Dick Hardt wrote:

Also, I thought OpenID 2.0 was moving to POST instead of GET, so that
will likely cause some incompatibilities.

I heard this before somewhere, but so far I could not discern the reasoning for it, nor who actually proposes (and agrees with) it. Could you enlighten me?

So far, I think it would be a very bad idea if OpenID only worked in the context of one of the HTTP REST verbs (of which there are 4, or more if you count WebDAV and other HTTP verbs such as OPTIONS). Admittedly, the OpenID spec so far only talked about GET, but there was nothing to prevent to use it with POST, PUT or DELETE as well. Or any other verbs in HTTP extensions such as WebDAV.

Is there a proposal on the table to restrict OpenID to be only usable for POST? And if so, what would be the rationale? In the times of AJAX and rich client apps, I think if anything, we should be extending OpenID to cover more verbs, not fewer?

Confused, as usual ;-)

This was discussed in one of the meetings at VeriSign. Joaquin was there, but you were not.

GET of course limits the amount of data that can be transported. POST does not have the same payload size constraints. This is needed to do attribute exchange as the payloads could get quite large. Switching to POST allows the RP and IdP to encode information as parameters in the URL and avoid conflicts with protocol parameters. Using one verb simplifies development as no logic is needed to decide if GET or POST is to be used.

I am not sure what advantage there is to using other verbs. Would you elaborate on the advantages?

I'm not sure I understand this question. Are you asking why standard HTTP has verbs other than POST? Or why things WebDav increased the list further?

I do understand that for the purposes of conveying identity information from one place to another, an appropriate HTTP verb should be used (e.g. POST). I don't understand why we should make it hard (impossible?) to use OpenID authentication with verbs other than POST.

Johannes Ernst
NetMesh Inc.

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