On 10/14/06, Chris Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JH> Where is power being granted to the RP? It has pretty much none.
> JH> It *does* have responsibility, but only as much as is necessary to
> JH> make the protocol work.
> If RPs are allowed to build up linked portfolios of everyones
> identifiers, they can get together with other RPs (or sniff IDs in
> google) to snoop on and conspire against our users behind their backs.
> If the true spirit of OpenID is to empower users, it's seriously
> neglectful to block users from protecting their own privacy.

Relying parties only get to see identifiers that users choose to give
them. I don't see how this is a breach of privacy.

> JH> Huh? How is IdP-initiated login related to privacy or portability?
> It is ** NONE OF THE RPs BUSINESS ** how the OpenID that got presented
> to it was originally selected by, or resolved for, our Users.  Letting
> the IdP initiate a login allows the IdP to PRIVATELY negotiate with
> the user over which identity to present (which for anyone who cares
> about privacy, will usually be a per-site identity not linked to their
> main OpenID or vanity domain or whathaveyou.).

I think I am finally starting to see the position from which you're
arguing, and I think you're making much ado about nothing.

IdP-driven identifier selection is part of OpenID 2.0, which lets
users enter just their IdP instead of a personal identifier.
Site-specific identifiers will most likely be issued by the IdP, so
they'll be IdP-specific, which means that the portable identifier
discussion is irrelevant, since that feature is not invoked for
IdP-specific identifiers.

Users are not forced to disclose an identifier that can be correlated.
Given *the current draft of OpenID with no modifications,* the only
thing that the relying party has to know that can be used to correlate
users is what IdP is making the assertion.

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