This morning Dick, Josh, and I got on Skype for 2.5 hours to try and
hash through all the remaining proposals.  Unfortunately Brad couldn't
join us, though I did talk to him about some of this stuff as well

 - Authentication Age will be developed as an extension due to questions
around what is the best way for it to work, what features does it need,

 - The field "setup_url" will be removed from a checkid_immediate
response, rather the RP should fallback to a checkid_setup request to
complete the transaction.  It has been found that in the, albeit few,
implementations of checkid_immediate this is the behavior for the
setup_url anyway.

 - Support bare requests by having the field "openid.return_to" as
optional in checkid_* requests.  There is a worry of user's not knowing
when they'll be redirected back and when they won't, though that will
only be worked out by allowing this functionality.

 - Clarify that the openid.realm parameter should be used to uniquely
identifier relying parties

 - There are some places where it could be clear in step-by-step
instructions of what an IdP needs to do in various parts of the
protocol, like is done in section 12 for rp's.  Sxip will provide
pointers to where this clarity can be added.

 - Rename "Identity Provider" to "OpenID Provider" (IdP -> OP) to add
clarity to the term since IdP has a very different meaning in the SAML
and WS-* worlds

 - The spec won't speak to what a RP should do if it has an identifier
like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", worried about setting a confusing precedent of
allowing this form of identifier for discovery.  Users are used to
entering, "" in their URL bar to goto the site, so entering
the same to login doesn't seem like to far of a stretch.  All of OpenID
has a user education challenge and this doesn't seem very different.

 - Spec will say in essence, "RP's SHOULD give the text field a user
enters their OpenID Identifier a name attribute with a value of
'openid_identifier', though if a RP wishes to support rich clients it
MUST do so".

 - Dick will be writing a separate document discussing how RPs can
advertise services, logos, etc

 - There cannot be parameters with the same name, make sure spec says
this, we think it does.

 - Josh will be updating his delegation proposal patch to specify two
identifiers for all transactions.  This will create a consistent
paradigm when dealing with delegation or when not.

Goal is to have all of these changes made by end of day Wednesday.  I
doubt I've added enough detail in all places, so feel free to ask for
clarifications or wait to comment on the next draft.

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