Yes, this is important thing I thought. We should privide a spec for the consumer to change their end user's OpenID URL, optionally the end user can use multiple OpenIDs in this consuemr. And this case can be expended as this, the IdP(OpenID Server) is closed down.

2006/10/31, George Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This is a good use case and I think important for both users and IdPs (now OPs [OpenID Provider] per the latest "editor's conference") to consider.

I see a number of options...

1. There has been some discussion regarding a "change identifier" extension that would allow you to change your identifier at the relying party.  This would solve the use case and is necessary regardless of the other options.

2. The OP (in this case could continue to provide an "identifier management" page that would allow the user to specify the OP of choice.  This requires the OP to continue to serve the XRDS doc or at least the indirection to a XRDS doc with the new OP.  This is not that much extra overhead for the OP, but it will likely be a business decision as to whether to support such a feature.

3. The user gets to choose their OP so they can ensure that they don't get "locked in".  This is the ideal behind user-centric.  However, in practice, it will take good education and time for users to understand the ramifications of their decisions.


Stefan Görling wrote:
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to get a grip around your great work and have one issue that
I'm not quite clear on, relevant to the discussion of using
[EMAIL PROTECTED] identifiers, but also in a more general context.
Please let me know if I've simply missunderstood my own question. says:
"OpenID is decentralized. No central authority must approve or register
Relying Parties or Identity Providers. An End User can freely choose
which Identity Provider to use. They can preserve their Identifier if
they switch Identity Providers."

Let us consider the case that I'm an customer, and they act as
an IdP providing we with an identifier. I use this identifier for 3
years for identity management on most of the services I use, due to the
huge success of the standard... However, I'm starting to get fed up with
AOL and terminates my agreement with them. Is there any procedure for me
to switch to another IdP? How is this done?

Best Regards,

Stefan Görling

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