Recordon, David wrote:

These seem just fine to me.
(+1, I guess!)

> So very verbose and organized.  There is no need for an xmlns for the
> Auth 2.0 spec itself, since unlike the 1.1 spec which defined
> "OpenID:Delegate" in Yadis, 2.0 takes advantage of the "LocalID" element
> already defined in the XRD schema.

I missed the change to using LocalID. I'm glad to see that change, but 
really just because I've always hated the fact that it was called 
"Delegate" in Yadis. :)


This naming scheme doesn't separate out extensions by what they're 
extending. Presumably in future we're going to have other non-extension 
specs (that is, they don't actually use the OpenID Authentication 
request as a transport) which will themselves have extensions.

How about,

I've not got my heart set on abbreviating "extensions", but I don't 
really like URLs that are longer than one line in a plaintext email 
because then people start wrapping them over multiple lines. :)

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