Hey Johnny,
I agree that you're doing a good job especially with your pre-draft 5
review message.  Let's continue that way!  There have been things in the
past, not that you've done, which have certainly rubbed me the wrong way
about AX.  Does seem like we're all moving forward though with good

One thing that I do think would be worthwhile in smoothing more of this
SREG/AX confusion would be adding SREG support to Sxip's OpenID

Any thoughts on spec consolidation and seperating policy from


-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Bufu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 12:09 PM
To: Recordon, David
Cc: Dick Hardt; OpenID specs list
Subject: Re: SREG namespace URI rollback


On 4-Apr-07, at 11:43 AM, Recordon, David wrote:
>  - Cleanup the newly merged
> http://openid.net/specs/openid-attribute-exchange-1_0-04.html to be 
> more concise and list URLs for the existing SREG parameters.  This 
> will thus show an easy "upgrade" path between SREG and AX.

I think this is a good idea - to add a note / paragraph outlining
clearly the "upgrade" path from SREG to AX.

> All through this process it is also important to discuss it on this 
> list and drive consensus with the community.  In some senses, I think 
> parts of my objections to AX are how it seems like it has just been 
> shoved down my throat over the past six months.

Not sure what *exactly* you mean with the above, but at least for the
least 3 months or so we've been trying to get the community involved
with AX, on the lists here:


Is there something in particular about the way we handled this that
doesn't seem right to you? If yes - what exactly do you think should be
done differently?


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