I think this means that the Selector MUST implement async firing capability. A 
user should not wait nor should this be syncronous. Likewise if a session has 
already been logged out, then by "contract" then the RP should simply ignore.

-----Original Message-----
From: Johannes Ernst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 2:25 PM
To: McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)
Cc: specs@openid.net
Subject: Re: Logout

That might be hard from a usability perspective, and in my experience, the 
underlying user requirement tends to be a variation of "I am about to go to 
lunch with the guys waiting in the hall way, log me out of all apps I'm 
currently logged in but take no more than 10 seconds because otherwise they 
will leave without me. Or at least the critical ones." (which is where it gets 
hard to design this right) Where sessions come in is that again from a 
usability perspective, the user should not have to "log out" from apps that he 
currently isn't logged into (because the session expired, for example). 

On Apr 6, 2007, at 10:51, McGovern, James F ((HTSC, IT)) wrote:

I would think that you wouldn't need to track the notion of a session but have 
something where the selector that tracked where the card was previously sent in 
terms of a list would allow you to graphically send another event. You could 
optionally walk a list based on each card.

-----Original Message-----
From: Johannes Ernst [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 12:29 PM
To: McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)
Cc: specs@openid.net
Subject: Re: Logout

So far, neither OpenID nor CardSpace define the notion of a session, so no 
common logout is possible within the standard protocols. 

What we do in our code at NetMesh is to add a convention where
is the same thing as "submitted OpenID URL in the first form", to which the 
RP-URL responds with a redirect to the OP, while
means "become anonymous again" aka "logout".

There are substantial usability issues with common logout in a decentralized, 
"internet-scale" approach, however, that nobody has really solved as far as I 

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