> If these four issues are resolved, can we call the OpenID 2.0
> Authentication specification done? Speak up if you have any other
> show-stoppers.
> Josh

Yesterday, Dmitry and I had a long talk about browser support for
OpenID. I think it is consensus between us two to state, that there
are lots of snares for browsers, if there will be no ways for browsers
to detect OPs or even RPs.

As of today browsers are forced to make untenable assumptions to
detect OPs or RPs. Read
"The form field's "name" attribute SHOULD have the value
"openid_identifier" is the only point for a browser to grip the
protocol. (And the field name is different from OpenID1.x)

We also discussed the fact that the spec does not provide any hints
WHEN in the flow of the protocol the RP-OP transition takes place.
  It is valid that between entering an openid at an RP site
  and redirecting to an OP lots of pages get displayed by the
  RP (as part of non sreg registration, for exampe).
  OpenID2.0 allowing for POST redirects adds to this.

Therefor hints for robust OP detection would not hurt either.

-- Boris
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