Claus Färber wrote:
> Marius Scurtescu schrieb:
>> The new attribute values are needed in order to signal an OpenID 2  
>> provider.
> Why is this necessary? Is OpenID 2 incompatible? In other words, what 
> happens if an OpenID 2 Relying Party tries to talk to an OpenID 1.x 
> Provider?
> If the OpenID 1.x Provider just ignores additional message fields (i.e. 
> treats them like an unknown extension), then no new rel values are 
> needed. If this is not the case, maybe the OID 2 spec can be changed to 
> make it possible.

One incompatibility that springs to mind is that it is permissable to 
talk to a 2.0 OP via a POST request with the arguments in the entity 
body, while a 1.1 will likely barf on this since 1.1 only allowed for 
GET requests with the arguments in the query string.

A 2.0 RP that uses a GET request and uses extension prefixes that match 
the ad-hoc field names used for the 1.1 extensions could, in theory, 
talk to a 1.1 OP without any problems. That is, unless I've missed 
something. :)

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