One parameter of PAPE was allowing the RP to specify how long it had  
been since the OP had authenticated the user.

There is a PAPE working group right now, if you were interested in  
looking at how your suggestions would be incorporated, I am sure they  
would welcome you to the group.

I've cc'ed Mike Jones who is one of the people driving PAPE

-- Dick

On 2-Jul-08, at 7:45 AM, Simon Josefsson wrote:

> Hi.
> Is there a best practice on how Openid consumers can find out whether
> re-authenticating the user, via the OpenID server, once in a while can
> lead to improved security?
> The security of normal one-time password systems (SecurID, SMS codes,
> Yubikeys, ..) can be improved if you ask for a new one-time password
> once in a while.
> Of course, the OpenID server cannot do this on its own, so it needs to
> be initiated by the OpenID consumer, but that will not happen without
> clues that it is a good idea to do perform re-authentication.
> Thoughts?
> Would this be a worthwhile addition to the
> openid-provider-authentication-policy-extension document?  I'm  
> thinking
> that the Response Parameters should include an optional parameter that
> imply that a one-time-password system was used, which suggests that  
> the
> RP may re-authenticate the user more frequently.
> It may be useful to generalize this idea somewhat, but I can't come up
> with a better abstraction.  Even re-authenticating using password may
> improve security in some situations (although I suspect most passwords
> are cached by browsers anyway these days).  Ideas welcome.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> Btw, this idea originated from discussions on
> <>.
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