Arshad Khan wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for this.
> Is it possible to get the specification in word or pdf format?

I don't think this is published online, but you should be able to load 
the HTML version into Word and save it as .doc if necessary.

> Also, I am not clear if I need to read and incorporate the following 
> specifications in addition to OpenID 2.0 Authentication document
> - OpenID Attribute Exchange 1.0 – Final
> - OpenID Simple Registration Extension 1.0

These are optional extensions to OpenID and so you only need to read 
them if they are important for your application.

 > - OpenID Authentication 1.1

This is the older version of OpenID Authentication; a "compatibility 
mode" for this is documented in the 2.0 spec and supported in the 2.0 

> Sorry, I am new to this.
> Also, can you please advise if PHP version of code is available?
> has a PHP library as well as Python and Ruby 

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