>What's the use-case?

If the RP doesn't care about distinguishing between users that have 
accounts at a site but identify themselves as such anonymously, it 
can reclassify them as "users that have accounts at a site", 
consolidating what could be a large number of identities into a 
single account. (This is largely a convenience for the Relying 
Parties, reducing database clutter but perhaps the performance hit 
wouldn't be noticed anyway?)

RP's may want to discriminate between users that use a "real" URI and 
those that only use OpenID anonymously, just as users may want to 
experiment with new sites using a unique (randomly generated) URI 
that can't be associated with their accounts elsewhere, and then use 
their main URI if they decide they like the RP's services. (I'm 
hoping that others here will volunteer their own specific use-cases 
or what they *could* do with such information were it asserted by an 

One form of discrimination could be encouraging users to have a 
"real" URI by giving them more features - reward them for adapting to 
the Web 2.0 model and using their OpenID around the web. Another 
could be swifter expiration of new accounts under the presumption 
that new users who use an anonymous URI are just experimenting with 
the service (this would be both a performance convenience for RP's as 
described above, and a complement of the encouragement more 
immediately above, instead *dis*-couraging users from using an 
anonymous URI for long-term use). (Since a user could still create 
multiple accounts on one or more sites and use each of them as a 
"real" URI; such discrimination wouldn't reduce the user's ability to 
compartmentalize their identity and maintain privacy.)

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