On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Manger, James H
> Section 5 Discovery of the OpenID/OAuth hybrid draft spec says
>  <xrd:Type>http://specs.openid.net/extensions/oauth/1.0</xrd:Type>
> should appear in the XRDS discovery document to indicate support for the 
> protocol.
> This doesn't seem to be the right way around.
> Discovery is performed on a user's OpenID identifier. It does not make sense 
> for a user to indicate if an OP supports the hybrid protocol.
> Additionally, support cannot be indicated by users who use an HTML page for 
> their OpenID identifier (with an <link rel="openid2.provider" href="..."/> 
> element).
> An OP could indicate that it supports the hybrid protocol in its own XRDS 
> file, assuming all users use directed identity and they all use the same OP 
> XRDS file. I hope we don't have to hardwire these assumptions into the hybrid 
> spec.

The fact that the OP indicates support for hybrid has nothing to do
with directed identity, of whether or not they use the same XRDS file.

> Even in this case, however, indicating hybrid support at the OP is not of 
> much use if the RP/consumer cannot tell which protected resources are covered.
> For example, adding the hybrid indicator to the Yahoo OP XRDS file 
> <http://open.login.yahooapis.com/openid20/www.yahoo.com/xrds> does not tell 
> an app if it can use the hybrid protocol to access:
> * Yahoo email address book (probably);
> * Flickr photos (maybe?, it is owned by Yahoo);
> * Microsoft hotmail (perhaps not currently, but a Yahoo/Microsoft merger was 
> discussed earlier this year);
> * Picassa photos (presumably not, as it is owned by Google).

This is out of scope for this spec, because OAuth discovery is under

> Discovery could work if the metadata for the OAuth Service Provider indicated 
> it supports the hybrid protocol with a specific OP.
> [My preferred way to indicate this would be: a request to a protected 
> resource receiving a "401 Unauthenticated" response with a "WWW-Authenticate" 
> HTTP header that included the URL of the OP. If that OP URL matches the OP 
> found from OpenID discovery on the user's OpenID identifier then the app can 
> use the hybrid protocol.]
> James Manger
> Identity and security team — Chief Technology Office — Telstra
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