I think that OpenID auth would benefit from Qworum in a broad sense, because
Qworum aims to address the needs of a class of services called "multi-phase
services", which includes OP-type services.

Having said that, two concrete benefits immediately come to mind:

1. Simplified OP
Currently the OP does two things: (1) it provides core authentication
functionality, and (2) it takes care of integrating itself into the calling
RP by keeping track of the return address.
When Qworum is used, the non-core task (2) is handled by the user agent, and
the OP can concentrate on providing only the core functionality.

2. Robust message semantics
With Qworum, authentication request and response messages are XML documents.
Needless to say, XML is a mature and powerful messaging format. The one
benefit of XML that I will mention here is that it allows the use of
namespaces for qualifying OpenID request parameters and response fields
(instead of the "openid." prefix). Example:

    <message xmlns:openid='http://openid.net/'>

My general impression regarding the OpenID-Qworum link is that it just makes

2008/12/16 David Fuelling <sappe...@gmail.com>

> Cool idea, although I wonder what benefit this would bring to OpenID auth?
> Seems like HTTP redirects and form submits work pretty well today.  Would
> Qworum enable any sort of new features that aren't possible today because
> we're not using XML between RP/OP/User-agent?
> Thanks!
> david
> 2008/12/15 Doğa Armangil <doga.arman...@gmail.com>
>> The OpenID Authentication 2.0 specification states in section 5.2 that
>> "There are two methods for indirect communication: HTTP redirects and HTML
>> form submission". It is worth noting that a third method might be added to
>> this list: Qworum ( http://www.qworum.com/ ).
>> Qworum is a fairly new technology (a couple of years old) that aims to
>> solve precisely the problem of indirect communication between interactive
>> web services (such as between Relying Parties and OpenID Providers). Qworum
>> mandates that the caller (i.e. RP) and the callee (i.e. OP) communicate
>> through XML documents.
>> Here is one possible authentication scenario involving Qworum:
>> 1. The RP calls the OP by sending the following Qworum message to the user
>> agent:
>> <!-- Return to the RP after calling the OP -->
>> <qrm:goto href='/auth_complete' xmlns:qrm='http://www.qworum.com/'>
>>   <!-- Call the OP -->
>>   <qrm:call href='http://openid-provider.net/my_id'>
>>     <!-- Authentication request message -->
>>     <message xmlns:openid='http://openid.net/'>
>>       <openid:mode>checkid_setup</openid:mode>
>>       <openid:identity>http://openid-provider.net/my_id</openid:identity>
>>       ...
>>     </message>
>>   </qrm:call>
>> </qrm:goto>
>> This message instructs the user agent to call the OP and to send the
>> result back to the RP.
>> 2. The user agent then calls the OP (i.e.
>> http://openid-provider.net/my_id ) by POSTing it the following XML
>> document:
>> <message xmlns:openid='http://openid.net/'>
>>   <openid:mode>checkid_setup</openid:mode>
>>   <openid:identity>http://openid-provider.net/my_id</openid:identity>
>>   ...
>> </message>
>> 3. The OP interacts with the end user.
>> 4. The OP sends the following Qworum message to the user agent:
>> <!-- Authentication response message -->
>> <message xmlns:openid='http://openid.net/'>
>>   <openid:mode>id_res</openid:mode>
>>   <openid:identity>http://openid-provider.net/my_id</openid:identity>
>>   ...
>> </message>
>> 5. Finally, the user agent then POSTs the authentication response message
>> back to the RP. Note that the RP return address is handled by the user
>> agent, not the OP.
>> Adding Qworum as a third communication method would not break existing
>> methods, it would just offer one more choice to RPs:
>> * The RP can check whether the user agent has Qworum capability by
>> inspecting the Accept header of the HTTP request. The RP can then choose to
>> use Qworum.
>> * The OP would understand that the RP is using Qworum to call it if the
>> Content-Type of the HTTP POST request is application/xml.
>> So my question is this: Has Qworum been considered for indirect
>> communication, or could it be considered in the future?  (As the lead
>> developer of Qworum, I can affirm that Qworum would do all it can to
>> facilitate this process.)
>> --
>> Doğa Armangil
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