Upgrade!Istanbul invites all of the artists, artist groups and artist
initiatives (especially based in Istanbul) to discuss and to participate in
Anna Sala¹s project.




26th of April 18:00- Alternative Directory
by Anna Sala

The goal of the project is to have an useful tool for a transcultural
dialogue and a platform to interconnect the alternative or independent
movements (artists and spaces) with other geographical scenarios in order to
create and spread cultural exchange networks.

Anna Sala 
Is currently based in Barcelona. She graduated as a graphic designer from
Massana School of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Her career as a graphic designer
brought her to multimedia studios in Paris, Wrexam and New York. Since 2004
she has been involved with social movements and several political arts
projects in Barcelona. She was one of the founders of the collective
Eclectica dv, a non-profit arts organization that wants to promote the use
and benefits of new technologies through the independent art production and
networks using free software & copyleft. She is currently involved in
developping interfaces for people and networks using printed and online
material .

Map & workshops: 
Public space:
In summer of 2006, she participated in Lost Highway Expedition

santralistanbul will host this meeting at Istanbul Bilgi University,
Dolapdere Campus, Theater

The Upgrade! Istanbul is a monthly gathering for new media artists,
academicians, practitioners, curators and for all of the other actors of
digital culture, organized by NOMAD and hosted by santralistanbul.

The Upgrade! is a network of international monthly meetings in the field of
art and technology. Founded by media artist Yael Kanarek in 1999, the
Upgrade! exists as forums for artists, designers, critics, curators and
educators who form the communities in different cities to discuss and share
knowledge. Current nodes include Boston, Chicago, Montreal, Munich, NYC,
Oklahoma City, Scotland, Seoul, Sofia, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, Vancouver Lisbon
and Toronto. Host organisations include Eyebeam, Turbulence.org , New Media
Scotland, Art Centre Nabi, The Western Front, The Society for Arts and
Technology (SAT), InterSpace, I-camp, DCA, CCA, No-Org.net, Art Interactive,
santralistanbul, Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea. Open-Node.com and TUBE.


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