ACM Multimedia 2007
Interactive Art Program
23-29 September, Augsburg, Germany


ACM Multimedia 2007 is the premier annual multimedia conference, covering all aspects of multimedia computing. The ACM MM Interactive Art Program seeks to bring together the arts and multimedia communities to create the stage to explore, discuss, and push the limits for the advancement of both multimedia technology through the arts, and the arts through multimedia technology.

This fourth version of the Interactive Art Program will consist of a conference track and an art exhibition. We invite artists working with digital media and researchers in technical areas to submit their original contributions to the following tracks: ¥ Conference track: we solicit papers describing interactive multimedia artworks, tools, applications, and technical approaches for creative uses of multimedia content and technology as well as technical approaches for the management of art-related media collections. Emphasis will be given to novel works that use a rich variety of media and those that are interactive, particularly works that exploit non-conventional human-computer interfaces or sensors in new and emerging areas. We strongly encourage papers with a strong technical content written by artists. Papers may be long (10 pages) or short (2 to 4 pages). Long papers are presented in front of an audience and short papers are presented in poster format. New Deadline for full papers to the Arts Program Conference Track May 22, 2007
Deadline for short papers to the Arts Program Conference Track June 1, 2007

¥ Multimedia art exhibition: "I / You / Other". We seek artworks that use multimedia to explore issues of self-exploration, self-presentation towards another, the self in a group or the group as a self. We particularly seek interactive multimedia works that by combining multiple media, technologies, and novel technical ideas, realize strong artistic concepts that give a new perspective on the topic of the exhibition.

New Deadline for submission to the Art Exhibition: May 22, 2007

For further submission details please see

Accepted papers and art works will be published in the ACM Multimedia Conference proceedings.
Important Dates
May 22, 2007      Long papers and art exhibitions submission deadline.
June 1, 2007       Short papers submission deadline.
June 20, 2007 Authors notification. July 20, 2007 Camera-ready papers due.

Program Chairs
Alejandro Jaimes, IDIAP Research Institute , Switzerland ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Frank Nack, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Thomas Rist, FH Augsburg, Germany ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Curatorial Committee Annet Decker, Montevideo, Amsterdam
Anne Nigten, V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
Prof. Robert Rose, time based media, Faculty of Design, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg

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