Studio 27: Call for Work - Overlap 06

Deadline: June 20th, 2007

Studio 27 is looking for short experimental films and videos for Overlap 06, an 
art event that will take place at the Rx Gallery in San Francisco on
June 23rd, 2007. Sponsored by, this one night festival is a 
continuation of a series of live events which are programed to showcase 
independent music and art. Please see for more information on past 
and upcoming events. Studio 27's collaboration will provide a curated screening 
of works by film and video artists who are dedicated to experimentation, and 
whose art reflects a spirit of exploration. The screening will take place 
within the standing room environment of the Rx Gallery in the Tenderloin, and 
will have a dedicated high-lumen projector and film screen featured at the 
front of the room. It will stand separate from the audio art and music featured 
at different times during the evening. The focus of this program is to promote 
the re-defining of "screening space."

We are requesting work less than 7 minutes in length.

Please send all materials noted below to our mailing address no later than June 
20th, 2007. We will consider previewing on-line submissions ONLY if you
include all requested descriptions and related data at the time of preview, AND 
you can provide a screening copy, sent by mail, by the deadline date of June 
20th. If you are a local artist and would prefer to drop off work at our main 
address (you will not be able to drop off work at our mail box) please
put padded packages through the mail slot at 689 Bryant Street.

- a Playable DVD (all region) or MiniDV (NTSC) copy, labeled with director's 
name, title, duration, original format, country of origin, and year of 
- a brief description of the work.
- a SASE, if you would like your materials returned to you (only U.S. mail will 
be returned).

Mail to:
Jessica Allee
Studio 27
588 Sutter Street, #11
San Francisco, CA 94102

E-mail Contact:

For more information and an archive of our events at 689 Bryant Street, San 
Francisco, please visit

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