Dear colleagues and friends of HMKV,

despite the summer vacation we would like to invite you to an amazing film and project presentation on Saturday evening from 19:00 at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund.

There will be music and visuals (and drinks) afterwards and the exhibition "History Will Repeat Itself" will stay open late at night (until the events is over). Please also note our changed opening times (Thu + Fr 11 - 22 hrs; Sat + Sun 11 - 20 hrs)

We look forward to seeing you at PHOENIX Halle!

Many greetings
Inke Arns


(ad hoc translation!)

Film and project presentation

Hartware MedienKunstVerein
at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Saturday, July 7, 2007, 19:00 (c.t.);

Balaklava was the 'Gallic' village of the Soviet Union which defied the class enemy during the Cold War. Since the 1950s Balaklava, located at the Southern tip of the Crimea, served as a submarine base of the Black Sea Fleet. A submarine hangar was built into the Tauris Mountain directly at the bay - serving at the same time as bunker and depot for nuclear weapons. Balaklava was a highly secret facility - so secret in fact that the entire settlement was closed for visitors and civilians, and that it even did not figure on Soviet maps.

It is thus that an important part of occidental cultural history was rendered inaccessible. Balaklava, in antiquity a Greek settlement, is the setting for the myth of the Tantalids. In the Odyssey, Homer mentions the bay, and Euripides and later Goethe incorporated the myth of "Iphigenie on Tauris" which is set in Balaklava, in their theatre plays.

It was only with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the submarine fleet that Balaklava opened up again. As a prelude for the cultural revitalisation of the city the Berlin based Sebastian Kaiser organised an international art festival in the former submarine hangar in 2006. At the same time he made a film about "Balaklava-Odyssey" which portrays inhabitants and veterans who served in the once closed city, and presents the art event.

Many of the people Sebastian Kaiser interviewed - among them high ranking officers of the Black Sea Fleet and submarine captains - lived through and today stand for the period of the Cold War, from the beginning to its end. The life stories of these people, today well advanced in years, shed light on the mentality and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The film traces the historical and cultural complexity as well as the opening up of Balaklava - which reads like a parable of the opening up of Eastern Europe after the Cold War.

The film and the project will be presented in Dortmund on Saturday 7 July 2007, at 19:00 hrs at Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle.

Curated by Sebastian Kaiser (Berlin)

Joulia Strauss (Berlin)
Natasha Poloka (Moscow)
Dmytro Fedorenko alias Kotra (Kiev)
Svetlana Kazarina (Sevastopol)
Hendrik Schumacher (Berlin)
Aleksander Janicki (Krakow)

Funded by:
Kulturstiftung des Bundes

* * *

Currently on view at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
HISTORY WILL REPEAT ITSELF - Strategies of Re-enactment in contemporary (media) art and performance
with 22 international artistic positions.

June 9 - September 23, 2007
Thu + Fri 11 - 22 hrs
Sat + Sun 11 - 20 hrs

More information:;

* * *

PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Hochofenstr. / Ecke Rombergstr.

How to get there / map:


Dr. Inke Arns
Künstlerische Leiterin / Artistic Director
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Güntherstrasse 65 * D-44143 Dortmund
T ++49 (0) 231 - 823 106
F ++49 (0) 231 - 882 02 40

Don't miss these shows when travelling (to) Europe this summer:

/////// History Will Repeat Itself ////// Strategies of re-enactment
in contemporary (media) art and performance, HMKV at PHOENIX Halle
Dortmund/D, 9 June - 23 Sep 2007,

////// ////// Tools, Techniques and Events 1996-2006,
CCA Glasgow/GB, 16 June - 21 July 2007,

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