Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 15:23:16 +0200 (MEST)
From: "Franziska Eißner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Ausschrteibung Danzig Medienkuenstler

'Mediascream! Simulation-Stimulation' as a part of the new multimedia
festival Transvizualia 007 in Gdynia.


The current edition of Transvisualia: Mediascream!
(re)constructs polyphony
of narration that stratifies images and sounds with a high amplitude of
emotions. At the point of intersection of many views and forms, a
s(t)imulated place of brief interactions comes into being. It allows for
freeing the energy and emotions. The ,,Scream" of multimedia will be at the
same time seductive and irritating, physiological and strange, compact and
cathartic. The alternative reality of facts and media artefacts will subtly
affect the audience leaving long term changes in their perception. The
transfer of data, images and  sounds; the circulation of energy, the attack
and passion. It's the process of our false self-identification; a kind of
entering and exiting different worlds; an approval of quick
transformations and unexpected (re)actions. The current edition of Mediascream! deals
with the unpredictable, bodily and emotional experience of multimedia and with
the (im)possibility of real d!ialogue and exchange.

more info:

There is also a competition:
deadline 15 of September 2007

Malgosia Taraszkiewicz-Zwolicka
mobil: 509 101 982

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