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Saturday, Oct. 6, 10-12 AM CET
from OneOnOne festival at Vooruit, Ghent /BE (Vooruit Foyer Theaterzaal)

on the topic: "Death of the Mediator. Web 2.0, Prosumers, and Which Quality?"

with the speakers:

Rob van Kranenburg & Valentina Nisi

about Rob van Kranenburg:

BIO:  As innovation consultant he is mainly involved with negociability
strategies of new technologies, predominantly ubicomp and rfid (radio
frequency identification), the relationship between the formal and
informal in cultural and economic policy, and the requirements for a
sustainable cultural economy.
More info:

about Valentina Nisi:

BIO: Valentina has completed her Ph.D. on Location Aware Narratives and mobile technologies. Her research focused on bringing stories out into real space merging architecture, environment and landscape with the narrative experience. She worked as a research assistant with Dr. M.Haahr in the department of Computer Science of Trinity College Dublin (TCD). From January 2001 till August 2004 she worked as a researcher at MedialLabEurope with G.Davenport and the Storynetworks group, investigating the potential of wireless mobile technologies in cinematic non linear narratives, designing distributed location based experiences for public spaces. Her work has been presented and published in different festivals and conferences both in Ireland and internationally, with projects such as "Weirdview", "Hopstory" and the most recent "Media Portrait of the Liberties". Currently she works as a freelancer in Amsterdam and runs FattoriaMediale, media and culture organization, http:// together with the co-founder Martine Posthuma de Boer.
More info:

STATEMENT of Rob van Kranenburg:

"Designing trust is currenly key in both online and offline environments.
This presupposes that the need for this design of trust is articulated
somewhere and has roots. The roots lie in the iniatial architectures which
somehow have caused this distrust, unease, and worry. Most
designing-trust- applications do not address this deeper problem, but try
to reinstall faith in these architectures that are at the heart of the
matter. What we need is a radical break up of instutional players in the
field of data and information towards solely local voices linking them up globally through meshnetworked protocols, staying very close at each step
to the source. Thus we can take out all organizational layers (state,
corporates, stockholders, billionaires owning tv stations) that have
become obsolote and harmful in a networked world."

This talk show scenario: objecttype=topic&objectid=5153

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