State of the Arts 2008: Demonstration
Schedule of Events, November 6 – 8, 2008

The UC Institute for Research in the Arts will once again host State of the Arts 2008, an annual arts showcase/conference, bringing together artists, scholars, and arts administrators from across the UC system and beyond. This year's program engages the theme of "demonstration" and will include performances, installations, presentations, interventions, workshops, and nightly events. Located at a different UC campus each year, this year's program will be hosted by UC Riverside and situated in the historic downtown district.

demonstrate v. 1. show (feelings etc) by experiment 2. describe and explain (a proposition, machine etc) by experiment, use etc. 3. logically prove or be proof of 4. take part in or organize a public demonstration; demonstrator n. 1,3 make evident, establish, exhibit (see also PROVE) 1,2 display, illustrate see also EXPLAIN 1,4 march, rally, protest L. demonstrare de+monstrare; see MONSTER-ATE

Thursday, November 6th
6:00-9:00 PM
In conjunction with the City of Riverside’s Artwalk, UCIRA is proud to present Buckworld I on the downtown pedestrian mall. Buckworld is a theatrical production created by Rickerby Hinds, Assistant Professor of Theatre at UC Riverside. The production combines krump dancing and spoken word poetry, and has been featured at the New Los Angeles Theater Center and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

The Free Improvisation Ensemble will also present a freestyle theater project. Since its founding in 2001, the ensemble has brought together musicians, dancers, visual, media and theater artists working in both traditional and experimental performance genres. The ensemble has presented frequent performances on the UCR campus, and has appeared in a variety of performance venues throughout Southern California, including the Roy O’ Disney Hall at The California Institute for the Arts, The Technika Radika Festival at the University of California, San Diego, and the Open Fist Theatre in Hollywood.

Friday November 7th
8:00-9:00 – Registration and Coffee – Life Arts Center, 3485 University Avenue

9:00-9:15 – Campus Welcome by Dean Stephen Cullenberg and Professor Renee Coulombe, UC Riverside

9:15-10:00 – UCIRA Team Opening Remarks: “UCIRA: former/future” Kim Yasuda (UCSB) / Dick Hebdige (UCR) / Holly Unruh (UCSB) / Marko Peljhan (UCSB)

10:00-10:30 – Featured Speaker: Clementine Deliss (Future Academy, Edinburgh College of Art) Future Academy: Roaming, Prelusive, Permeable

10:30-12:00 – Demonstration I: Spacing Out
Julie Wyman (UC Davis) – On the Platform: locating the possibilities of athletic performance
            Daniel Carrera (Los Angeles) – Primera Comunión
            Sierra Brown (CSULB) – Port-to-Class Supercommute 2007

Richard Ross (UC Santa Barbara) – Politics to Beauty and Back again, or, you do what you gotta do.
            Kim Yasuda (UC Santa Barbara / UCIRA), moderator

12:00-1:00 – Lunch (provided to registered participants)

1:00-1:30 – Featured Speaker: Toby Miller (UC Riverside): Talking Rubbish

1:30-3:00 – Demonstration II: In the Classroom
Micha Cardenas (UC San Diego) – Collective Art Practice in the mediated public space of Second Life EG Crichton + Dee Hibbert-Jones (UC Santa Cruz) – Politics of Public Space/Gestures of Subversion
            ShiPu Wang (UC Merced) – The Effecting Eye

3:00-3:30 – Featured Speaker: Bruce Ferguson (Future Arts Research, Arizona State University) – How I went 2 F.A.R.

3:30-5:00 – Roundtable ( Future Art + the Academy) with UC Arts Deans
            Stephen Cullenberg (Dean, UC Riverside)
            David Marshall (Dean, UC Santa Barbara)
            Christopher Waterman (Dean, UC Los Angeles)
            Kim Yasuda (UC Santa Barbara / UCIRA)
            Dick Hebdige (UC Riverside)
            Bruce Ferguson (F.A.R @ ASU)

5:00-6:00 – Opening Reception, Life Arts Studios
*please see UCIRA staff if you will need transportation to the UC Riverside campus for the 8:00pm Media Event*

8:00 –Media Event, Arts Building Performance Lab, Room 166 (UC Riverside)
            The Kaiborg Duo (Jeff Kaiser, David Borgo)
Gamelan Plesetan (Rene Lysloff, no.e Parker, Renee Coulombe, Sapto Raharjo)
            Compositions by Pablo Ortiz (UC Davis) with Ira Glansbeek
Chia-Yi Seetoo (UC Berkeley) + Paula K. (UC Berkeley) (In)visible C ties
            Synthia Payne (UC Santa Cruz) Telematic Performance

Saturday, November 8th
8:30-9:30 – Registration and Coffee – Life Arts Center, 3485 University Avenue

9:30-11:00 – Demonstration III: Push Play
            Pablo Ortiz (UC Davis) – Recent Compositions
            Marsia Alexander-Clarke (Riverside, CA) – Tapestries
            Sara Wookey (UC Los Angeles) – Walking LA/(Sur)facing the City
Michael Dessen (UC Irvine) – Telematics and Improvisation at the Turn of the 21st Century
            Marko Peljhan (UC Santa Barbara / UCIRA), moderator

11:00-12:30 – Demonstration IV: Actors, Avatars and Cyberselves
Brenda Varda (Los Angeles) + Perry Hoberman (Los Angeles) – Cyberlilly 7
            Annie Loui (UC Irvine) – Falling Girl
            James Tobias (UC Riverside) – Stylistics of Wii
            Danny Scheie (UC Santa Cruz), moderator

12:30-1:30 – Lunch (provided to registered participants)
Pat Payne’s demonstration Crawl will take place on the pedestrian mall throughout the morning. Crawl is an anti-war performance honoring female soldiers who have been killed in the War on Terror or been raped by their military comrades while serving their country. The work is inspired by the Superman performances by william pope.l, and is meant to bring attention to women in the military.

1:30-3:00 – Demonstration V: Fleshing Out
            Pat Payne (Los Angeles) – Crawl
            Assaf Pocker (Los Angeles) – ScarTissue
Aloha Tolentino (UC Riverside) – Confession – (with Eric Lorico and Ben Busa)
           Isabella van Elferen (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Renee Coulombe (UC Riverside), Anna Scott (UC Riverside), moderators

3:00-4:30 – Demonstration VI: Acting, Ghosting, Gaming
Brandon Woolf (UC Berkeley) + Michael Shane Boyle (UC Berkeley) – The Tiger and the Philosopher: A Performance-Lecture on Günter Grass' The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising

Tanner Higgin (UC Riverside) – Performative Play: Revising the Politics of Virtual Worlds

            Synthia Payne (UC Santa Cruz) – The Telematic Circle

            David Familian (UC Irvine), moderator

4:30-6:00 – Demonstration VII: Blended Events
Tim Labor (UC Riverside) + Martha Demson (Open Fist Theatre, Los Angeles) – Interdisciplinarity and the 99-Seat Theatre System Jenifer Wofford (UC Berkeley) – Galleon Trade Art Exchange California/Mexico/Phillippines
            Martin Tickle (DJ Dragonfly)
Tyler Stallings (UC Riverside) – A Discussion of the Freshly Minted MFA as Surveyed in Compass 2007: New Art from the University of California's MFA Programs Rickerby Hinds (UC Riverside), Matthias Geiger (UC Davis), moderators

6:00-7:00 – Reception, Florence Room, Life Arts Center

8:00 –Peripheral Visions Events, Life Arts Center
            Show the Instruments: A Tactical Trade Show
                 with Larry Bogad, Steve Lambert and Aaron Gach
            Improviser Michael Dessen
            Video installation by Marsia Alexander-Clarke
            Performance by Dick Hebdige (This I believe)
            Film Screening by Daniel Carrera (Primera Comunión)
            Film Screening by Ernesto Rios (Contaminated Valley)
Fashion by Feral by Cat Chloe, the Chakra Raw line and Danielle Delia Designs
            Dance and Music Installation by DJ Dragonflyand Adaptable Girl

Sunday, November 9th
10:00-11:30 – UCIRA grants workshop – California Museum of Photography, 3824 Main Street, at University Avenue. UCIRA program staff will provide information and engage in an open dialogue that provides insight into the institute’s past and future grants programming as well as practical guidance to the application process.

12:00 – Caravan to High Desert Test Sites – Leaving from the Mission Inn. Sign up sheet and maps will be available


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