VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

published the 3rd series of interviews with new videoartists
The Ebert Brothers (GER), Wolf Nkole Helzle (GER),
Sam Holden (UK), Magdalena Jachimiak & Anna Bieluszko (PL)
Yi-Chun Lo (TW), Kai Lossgott (SA)
Jeanette Louie (USA), Felipe Matilla Alonso (ES),
Pietro Mele (IT)
During the following weeks until the official online launch of
CologneOFF - Cologne Online Film Festival
4th edition  - "Here We Are!" - on 11 December 2008 -
each week another couple of new interviews will be posted.

See you next week!

VideoChannel - video project environments
corporate part of
[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne -
the experimental platform for art and new media
from Cologne/Germany)

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