*Violence, Technology and Public Intervention

Date: *April 24th, 2009
*Time: *Noon - 5:00pm
*Location: *Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
[webcast <http://calit2.net/webcast>: http://calit2.net/webcast]
*Host: *gall...@calit2 and UCDARnet

*Guest Speaker:* Carlos Trilnick (Keynote) et al.
Full speaker list and agenda below


This symposium is in conjunction withi Carlos Trilnick's Anti-Personnel Mines Project, an interactive installation in the gallery @ calit2. Free and open to the public, and a reception will follow the panels. Sponsored by UCDARnet and gallery @ calit2.

Abstract: Presentations will address the current and historical relationship between technology and violence, state and corporate-sanctioned as well as forms embodied in practices of resistance. The symposium will consider how the scale and far-reaching impact of violence and multiplication of modalities that it takes relates to global, regional and local contexts. Artists and theorists will navigate the tactics, strategies and disturbances that technology amplifies and distributes under the signs of the post-contemporary.

Since our first encounters with analytic machines, technologically enabled violence has flickered between utopia and apocalypse, between labor saving and loss of jobs, between the ordinary and all too new, between bad machines and good machines. States of command and control violence and new forms of public interventions continually emerge from the machine smashing Luddites of 1811 to Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace’s code for the “difference engine” in the mid-800's, to the exponential growth of military driven R & D throughout the 20th and 21st century.


Noon –Introduction - Brian Goldfarb

12:10 - Carlos Trilnick - Keynote

12:30 – *Panel One: Public Intervention as Art*

     Sharon Daniel - Public Secrets Project
     Warren Sack - Conversation Map v.2.0 Project
     Micha Cárdenas – Transborder Immigrant Tool
     Respondent - Brian Goldfarb

2:30 Coffee Break

3:00 – *Panel Two: The Art of Public Intervention*

     Rita Raley – Tactical Optics
     Amy Sara Carroll - Forensic Prescience, Domestic Violence,
     "Death and the Idea of Mexico": Teresa Margolles' Operativo
     Jordan Crandall - Art as Destabilization, Elemental and Ineludible
     Respondent - Patrick Anderson

Reception: 5:00pm

Sponsored by UCDARnet and gallery @ calit2.


Speakers include:

*Micha Cárdenas* / dj lotu5 / Azdel Slade is a transgender artist, theorist and troublemaker. Micha is an MFA candidate at the University of California San Diego who will be graduating in the summer of 2009. Micha holds a Master's degree in Media and Communications with distinction from the European Graduate School <http://egs.edu/> and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Florida International University. She is a researcher at the Experimental Game Lab <http://www.experimentalgamelab.net/> at CRCA <http://crca.ucsd.edu/> and at CalIT2 <http://calit2.net/>. Her interests include the interplay of technology, gender, sex and biopolitics. She blogs at TechnoTrannySlut.com <http://technotrannyslut.com/>. Micha is a founding member of a number of art/activism collectives including Sharing Is Sexy <http://sharingissexy.org/>, the borderlands Hacklab <http://sdhacklab.org/> and the City Heights Free Skool <http://cityheightsfreeskool.org/>. Micha recently joined the Lui Velazquez <http://luivelazquez.com/> space in Tijuana as a curator and collective member. In addition, Micha was the recipient of a 2008 Open Classroom Challenge Grant from UCIRA <http://www.ucira.ucsb.edu/projects_artists.html> and taught a class entitled "Collective Art Practice, Performative and Networked Approaches to Challenging Power". She has been a guest lecturer at Calarts in Los Angeles and at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec and presented a paper on the project Becoming Dragon <http://secondloop.wordpress.com/> at the Society of Photonic Imaging Engineers "Electronic Imaging" <http://spie.org/app/program/index.cfm?fuseaction=conferencedetail&export_id=x16280&ID=x16223&redir=x16223.xml&conference_id=863831&event_id=862795&programtrack_id=862796> Conference in 2009. Micha has collaborated with faculty members Ricardo Dominguez and Brett Stalbaum on the Transborder Immigrant Tool <http://bang.calit2.net/dr.-cardenas-s-blog/artivists-and-mobile-phones-the-transborder-immigrant-project-2.html> and the B.A.N.G. lab <http://bang.calit2.net/>, and Adriene Jenik on specFlic 1.0 <http://specflic.net/>.

*Amy Sara Carroll*, assistant professor of Latina/o Studies (jointly appointed in English and American Culture, affiliate of the Center for World Performance Studies and Latin American and Caribbean Studies) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, received a Ph.D. in Literature from Duke University (2004), an MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry) from Cornell University, and an MA in Anthropology from the University of Chicago . Her research, teaching, and writing interests include Latin/o American contemporary cultural production (performance, art, video, and literature), feminist, queer, and postcolonial theory, cultural studies, inter-American studies, border studies, and critical creative writing. Her critical essays and poetry has appeared in various journals and anthologies. She is a member of the *particle group* (pitmm.net) and the Transborder Immigrant Tool research group.

*Jordan Crandall* (http://jordancrandall.com <http://jordancrandall.com/>) is a media artist and theorist. He is Associate Professor in the Visual Arts Department at University of California, San Diego. His ongoing art and research project Under Fire, concerning the organization and representation of political violence, opened in October 2006 at the International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville . To date, two catalogues of Under Fire have been produced, in 2004 and 2005, published by the Witte de With center for contemporary art, Rotterdam . The third volume will be produced by the Seville Biennial in early 2007. Crandall has written on technology and culture for magazines such as Artforum, Parachute, Framework, Cultural Politics, Journal of Visual Culture, and TRANS (arts.cultures.media). Crandall’s other books include Trigger Projekt (Frankfurt: Revolver, 2002); Heatseeking (Caen: Esac, 2002); Suspension (Kassel: Documenta X, 1997); and Interaction: Artistic Practice in the Network (New York: D.A.P., 2001).

*Sharon Daniel* is an artist whose research involves the use and development of information and communications technologies for social inclusion. Daniel engages in the production of “new media documentaries”—building online archives and interfaces that make the stories of technologically disenfranchised communities available across social, cultural, and economic boundaries. Daniel's work has been exhibited internationally at museums and festivals including Transmediale 08, the ISEA/ZeroOne festival, the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Ars Electronica, the Lincoln Center Festival, the Corcoran Biennial and the University of Paris I, as well as on the Internet. Her essays have been published in books and professional journals, such as Database Aesthetics (Minnesota University Press, 2007), the Sarai Reader, and Leonardo. Daniel is a Professor of Film and Digital Media and Chair of the Digital Arts and New Media MFA program at the University of California , Santa Cruz , where she teaches classes in digital media theory and practice.

*Warren Sack* is a software designer and media theorist whose work explores theories and designs for online public space and public discussion. He is Associate Professor of Film and Digital Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and earned a B.A. from Yale College and an S.M. and Ph.D. from the MIT Media Laboratory. Warren's writings on new media and computer science have been published widely and his art work has been shown at the ZKM|Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe , Germany ; the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York; the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; and the artport website of the Whitney Museum of American Art . His Conversation Map is currently included in the SFMOMA exhibition The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now (November 8, 2008, through February 8, 2009).

*Rita Raley* is Associate Professor English Department UC Santa Barbara. She researches and teaches in the areas of new media (art, literature, theory) and 20-21C literature in an “international” or “global” context. Her book, Tactical Media, a study of new media art in relation to neoliberal globalization, is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press in its “Electronic Mediations” series. At present she is working on a series of articles on the topics of locative narrative, mobile media poetics, and ALife art. She also continues work on Global English and the Academy, excerpts of which have been published in The Yale Journal of Criticism and Diaspora. Another book project, Reading Code, is underway, an excerpt of which has been published under the title, "Code.surface || Code.depth". In the English department at UCSB, she is director of the Literature.Culture.Media center (formerly Transcriptions), co-director of the Literature and Culture of Information specialization and currently leading a working group on “New Reading Interfaces” for Transliteracies. She has taught at the University of Minnesota and at Rice University, where she was the Lynette S. Autrey Visiting Assistant Professor of English. In Spring 2009 she will be in residence at the UCHRI.

*Carlos Trilnick* has been one of the pioneers of video art in Latin America since 1980, and his works - ranging from video installations and multimedia art to photography and online projects - have been exhibited extensively in Europe, Latin America and the U.S. , including the Museum of Modern Art in New York . He is a senior professor in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Development at the University of Buenos Aires. In addition to UC San Diego, Trilnick is also a Visiting Professor at universities in Colombia and Ecuador . Trilnick co-directs the Media Laboratory at the Talpiot Institute of Buenos Aires (a primary and secondary school), and coordinates the audio-visual media program "Vale la Pena," which curates programs of a broad range of contemporary work that engages social issues across the arts.


For Directions and information: _http://gallery.calit2.net_ <http://gallery.calit2.net/>
UCDARnet: _http://ucdarnet.org/_
Reception will follow the panels at 5pm.

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